Art -
A picture of a picture

I painted this for a friend. She was given a print for her 21st birthday but over the decades it got badly damaged. She asked me if I could paint it for her. So I did. I made this painting MUCH bigger than her original print. And I also took the liberty of changing the background (original was shades of brown). She was pleased with the result and this painting now has pride of place on her living room wall.
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You certainly are one of BGT, and I like the great details. I wouldn't want the background for myself but this doesn't matter ;))
I just copied it Yiyan! No talent. The talent was all the original artist who I cannot remember (shame on me). But his (original artist) background was a bit drab for my friend's taste so I changed it slightly to make it more modern. Glad you like it x
Such a great piece! Dont discredit yourself Tina. I wouldnt even know what side of the paintbrush to hold! Smiles as always. Max
Bless you Max...thank you x
Wow Tina this is just awesome. The detail and the accuracy of this just wow. I dont think animals or people are easy to paint at all!! I prefer still life any day!! Px
Thank you Pratibha! It really is just me copying a work so that my friend could hang a bigger, better (her print was badly damaged) and real painting of it. Thankbyou for your kind words. Kind words encourage and inspire so many thanks x
💕👌 it truly is lovely x
Cherie is gona love this!
❤❤❤❤ xx
Lovely Art Being... Has more than a thousand wonderful meanings. Warm regards.
Thank you very much Cleo. I do appreciate it . Many thanks x
Hi Tina, a stunning picture! A very talented painter as well as writer. My sister has horses and I know she would love this. A beautiful piece of art. Thank you for bringing so much joy into people´s lives through your artistic creativity. Hope you are very well, how is your finger by the way? xx
Hi Tony, Your sister has good taste in her choice of animals! Thankyou for your lovely comments...high praise indeed...I had a masterpiece to copy from in regards to this picture. My finger is still very sore but it is all part of the healing process I guess... thank you for asking and thankyou for your kind words. I hope you are keeping well x
Hi Cherie...yes Arabian horses! The brown background did make the picture look quite dreary. I had full intention to do the background the same but when painting it I just HAD to do the background like I have. It makes the picture more vibrant. After finishing it, the painting hung on my wall for a few days 🤫 Glad you like it! And thank you so much for popping by to look at it and leaving your thoughts x
Great picture and you've certainly got artistic talent Being Me.
It also is seems subliminal in love's meaning in the form of a heart as the two are so close to each other to form and project said heart to any viewer.
Thanks for this Being Me and I wish you well. Take care.
There is definitely love there in this picture, Shaun! The heart is what struck me with it. As I mentioned, it is a painting of a painting that a friend asked me to do. Glad you like it x
Being Me I forgot to rate and like and pin your heartfelt picture, but have humbly made amends, thankfully you didn't notice!
Thank you Marion ⚘x
Hi Tina, I thought I would snoop on your page and see what treasures I could read. Then stumbled onto your rendition of your friends picture for her. You have done a gorgeous job and I love how you tweaked the background. The colours are stunning and give the painting added depth, and a sunset feel to the piece. Beautiful xx
Awww...thank you Gwen. The original picture she had was an old print 18" by 18" with a murky brown background, now she has a "real" painting measuring 3' by 3.5' with a more vibrant background. I will be truthful and say I found this one really, really hard to hand over 🤣 x
You are so very welcome. I bet she was so made up, I would definitely prefer your painting to a small print. It is stunning.
I know what you mean about letting go of art. They can feel like our babies... I think the longer I work on a piece the stronger the bond 😂 I sound weird but it’s so true
Doesn't sound weird at all! I totally agree with you. I feel the same way about poems and the book too x
Oh yes, I have kept every poem I have ever written. Which began in my early teens. I love looking back and seeing how I have evolved. I want to write a book, but right now my son is home schooled, so that takes all my extra time up prepping for lessons. I hope your sequel is going well. I am excited to read it 😊 x
Home schooling! I had to homeschool my second eldest. I really enjoyed it. He was older though, when he started homeschooling. He was 13 and had a pretty severe school phobia ( it actually IS a thing). Tried all ways to keep him in school. When he jumped out of a moving car on the way to school one day I knew something radical needed to be done. He couldn't handle noisy/disruptive kids and teachers who raised their voices. It was a thing that went with him all through school. Anyway homeschooling was fabulous. He did really, really well. Went to college to get gcse's and then gained a triple distinction star in a level 3 BTEC in Aeronautical Engineering. Good luck with your home schooling!
Sequel is back on track!
You should definitely write a book! Xx
Awe see you did the best thing for him. I am so glad the home schooling helped him achieve. He sounds like he has done amazing and that’s down to you. I always believe it isn’t about fitting into the school system that is important. More it is about them reaching their goals and being happy in their life. If home school works better then they should be able to be home schooled. My son is autistic and has sensory processing disorder. He was in a special school for ASD, but covid closed his class.
Saying that he has done more at home than he ever did at school.
So glad the sequel is going well 😊
I will let you know once I start writing my book x
Thank you xx
Not only perfect with a pen, but brilliant with a brush too, I see .. and not only that, but it seems we both have a thing about horses .. Excellent .. I really must get my easel out one of these fine days ............. x
Hi Being Me, this is gorgeous! You have a real talent and I am looking
forward to seeing more from you. Greetings from Bernadete.
Thankyou, so much, Bernadette! I appreciate your kind words and I apologise for my very late reply x