God Provides

God Provides
Mural: acrylic paint on
Stretched canvas.
Size: H 30 “x 40” w 1” D
In this mural I seek to illustrate How God through Jesus provide for the spiritual needs of humans.
The first century fishing boat with its nets stretch out to dry on the shore, Jesus calls us to leave our old live behind and join Him on a new adventure. Just as he calls his disciples to leave their lives of fishing and join Him in bring people back to God.
The illustration of a boy lunch in a desolate place, we are reminded that God know our physical as well spiritual needs. If we seek to put him first in our lives, He will take care of the rest.
Jesus and Peter walking on the rage ocean, God call us to weather many great storms, to be able to participate in rescuing of the spiritually drawing. We always need to be reminded to keep our eye on Christ unless we become filled with fear and we become overwhelmed by our hostel environment and being to sink.
Jesus on the cross, God knowing no sin, sent His son to be a sacrifice, the innocent trading place with a vile criminal to face a horrible death on the cross. We can all identify with Barabbas, for because of our sinful words and deeds, we ourselves are criminals before a Holy God.
If we identify with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection from the dead, for the payment of our transgression. This is the only way to be forgiven and washed clean of our sinful past.
We have been given the holy spirit to enable us to turn from sin and walk in the newness of life through His word and spirit.
The rock with ALPA and OMEGA and Irish flower carved in it: represent Our eternal God who existed in the eternal past and will exist in the enteral future.
The rock with dove facing down, represent the coming of Holy Spirit who Jesus sent, after He went back to Heaven. He came to teach us all truth about spiritual things, about God, to give us understand of His words, and to strength our bodies, minds, spirits to enable us to do the will of God.
The rock with fish symbol: Represents the sign first century Christian would draw on the ground to test a person to find out if they were a true follower of Christ or if they were a spy, trying to expose were the Christians met for church. So, the Roman could arrest and kill Christians.
How the test was administered: The initiator would drawl half the body of the fish in the grown, then the person being evaluated, if they were a Christian would know to draw the second half of the fish.
Written By Stephen J. Vattimo

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