Teresa I cant stop staring and admiring your illustrations what a unique style you have I’m a big fan and may inquire about purchasing some of your work if it’s for sale that is . Keep it up and I’m reallly looking forword to seeing more of these drawings thanks for sharing them
peace love
Im a big tim burton fan.my biggest inspiration.im glad u like my art.i like challenges in it also.i also am a tat freak.have many myself n my owncequipment.i guess in the art world im a "jack of all trades".lol
Ya I guess you are great work . I used to draw but could never get very good at it . Ended up learning guitar and started wrighting music and lyrics . Artist just have an uncontrollable need to express dont we some people don’t understand it but that’s the best part about this site we all under stand each other ?
U r correct.that says it in a nuttshell.ive drawed since i was a kid.but put on backburner to raise my kids.i cranked back up to have my 6 year old granddaughter fall in my lap for however long or need b.n shes a kick big inspiration.n shes doin art too.its so awesome
How lovely I’m sure u enjoy that very much . My brilanr little girl is also very creative she’s always drawing and making little stories that she Wright’s down and ameven makes up her own songs and rhymes . She is also 6  and I support her as much as possible one of my entries here are acually her work . “ the mall” she absolutely insisted I post it lol so I had to lol
This piece would make a deadly tatto
Teresa I cant stop staring and admiring your illustrations what a unique style you have I’m a big fan and may inquire about purchasing some of your work if it’s for sale that is . Keep it up and I’m reallly looking forword to seeing more of these drawings thanks for sharing them
peace love
Thanku very much.n yes they r all 4 sale.havnt figured out the price button for requesting.lol.ur poems r awesome.ssrry for shorthand.talk to u soon
Im a big tim burton fan.my biggest inspiration.im glad u like my art.i like challenges in it also.i also am a tat freak.have many myself n my owncequipment.i guess in the art world im a "jack of all trades".lol
Ya I guess you are great work . I used to draw but could never get very good at it . Ended up learning guitar and started wrighting music and lyrics . Artist just have an uncontrollable need to express dont we some people don’t understand it but that’s the best part about this site we all under stand each other ?
U r correct.that says it in a nuttshell.ive drawed since i was a kid.but put on backburner to raise my kids.i cranked back up to have my 6 year old granddaughter fall in my lap for however long or need b.n shes a kick big inspiration.n shes doin art too.its so awesome
How lovely I’m sure u enjoy that very much . My brilanr little girl is also very creative she’s always drawing and making little stories that she Wright’s down and ameven makes up her own songs and rhymes . She is also 6  and I support her as much as possible one of my entries here are acually her work . “ the mall” she absolutely insisted I post it lol so I had to lol
Thats kool mine she makes up her own songs too.her papa has gotten her a guitar,amp,mic n keyboard.lolÂ