In light of events, there are metaphors to " emphasize " and relay most significant " elements " to the story, and personnel involved. THE " STAG " symbolizes the virility and " fertility " of the male, of " homo sapien. " This, comes from the nature of the domain. Where, one satisfies the lustful " breeding " requirements of many. There is STIFF COMPETITION, to be this " top dog " or, ALPHA MALE. :)
It is in the " RUT " or " ruck " that the rivalries are settled for " top spot " !!! The intense battles leave no question unanswered as to the holder of the " BRAGGING " or, " breeding " rights. :)
Who, dare doubt the integrity of a " struggle " for supremacy, to get what you need, so badly ? :)Â For, continuation of the usual affairs, relating to instinctive organization. In the realms, of the " KINGDOM ", associated with strength of purpose and experience, is the definition of want and desire. Do you not agree ?
How, can you dispute the accuracy of a result, in " combat ", born of adaptation and development to survive.....and thrive !!! :) :) What, a symbol this is ? WITH, THE " HEAD " MALE SERVICING SO MANY. The " trophies " of success are bound by competitive ritual to submit to terms, as seen by the dominant ONE. This one, gives, as well as " takes " what is due, according to " tradition " !! :)
There is wonder, and necessity, reflected in the work. No doubt, about, that !! Is there ? Really. You, just have to study, what is important, in the " course " of events !!! :) :)Â X
Wow that’s so real looking
Thank you Edward ?
In light of events, there are metaphors to " emphasize " and relay most significant " elements " to the story, and personnel involved. THE " STAG " symbolizes the virility and " fertility " of the male, of " homo sapien. " This, comes from the nature of the domain. Where, one satisfies the lustful " breeding " requirements of many. There is STIFF COMPETITION, to be this " top dog " or, ALPHA MALE. :)
It is in the " RUT " or " ruck " that the rivalries are settled for " top spot " !!! The intense battles leave no question unanswered as to the holder of the " BRAGGING " or, " breeding " rights. :)
Who, dare doubt the integrity of a " struggle " for supremacy, to get what you need, so badly ? :)Â For, continuation of the usual affairs, relating to instinctive organization. In the realms, of the " KINGDOM ", associated with strength of purpose and experience, is the definition of want and desire. Do you not agree ?
How, can you dispute the accuracy of a result, in " combat ", born of adaptation and development to survive.....and thrive !!! :) :) What, a symbol this is ? WITH, THE " HEAD " MALE SERVICING SO MANY. The " trophies " of success are bound by competitive ritual to submit to terms, as seen by the dominant ONE. This one, gives, as well as " takes " what is due, according to " tradition " !! :)
There is wonder, and necessity, reflected in the work. No doubt, about, that !! Is there ? Really. You, just have to study, what is important, in the " course " of events !!! :) :)Â X