As You Are

I was always annoyed by the standards set by others. I didn’t like people being judged by beauty, charm, or any other measure. I believed that people should be accepted just as they are.
Then I met Louis, known for his simplicity and honesty. My friends said there was nothing special about him; he wasn’t like the moon, nor as charming as a rose, nor did he have the depth of the ocean. But to me, Louis’s biggest quality was his authenticity—he was exactly as he appeared, and that’s what made him special.
Over time, our friendship turned into love. Louis’s simplicity and my spontaneity brought us closer. I realized that being with him was one of the most beautiful things in life. I wasn’t seeking the sweetest honey or the saltiest salt; rather, I was drawn to Louis’s truthfulness and his true self.
One day, I told him, “Louis, as you are, maybe even the sweetest honey doesn’t compare, as you are, maybe even the deepest ocean doesn’t compare, as you are, maybe even the most beautiful moon doesn’t compare. But as you are, you are everything to me.”
Louis smiled and said, “In love, we don’t need any standards, we just need a sincere heart and genuine affection. As I am, do you love me like that?” I smiled and replied,
Like 1 Pin it 0Yes, as you are, I accept you completely.”