
It's dark and thunder is booming outside of the bathroom window. I'm in the bathroom relieving myself. My breath comes out in small pants, my heart is beating a mile a minute and I feel anxious. My legs shake as i make my way to the sink to wash my hands. Sweat starts to build around my forehead and so i decide to splash water on my face.
I hear a thump behind me and my head shoots up. I snap my head around to look at the intruder. I'm momentarily blinded by the water that runs down my face. Quickly wiping away the water I look back again. I'm both confused and terrified as to what I see. An alligator.How did an alligator get in my bathroom? How did it get into this country? These are the questions that befuddle my unconscious mind.
I'm not sure how, but I make it past the gator and dash into my living room. The alligator gives chase. I'm afraid for my life, somehow i get the feeling that this alligator hates me and really wants me dead. I run in circles in my living room as my boyfriend sits in my room unaware of the things happening right outside the door. Although i haven't screamed not once to alert him.
Suddenly his head turns in my direction and he panics. He runs out to me and the gator is now chasing us both. I suddenly get the idea to run through the front door and slam it shut behind us. we run down the street and stop. we stay there for awhile trying to figure out what's going on.
I decide to walk back to the house just to see if i see anything. As i peer up at the house I see the gator looking out the window. It notices me looking and it ducks down. The next thing i know it's outside of the door (dont know how) and its chasing me again. This time it corners me and it opens its jaws wide as if to devour me. I panic realizing how weak i am and than my panic turns to anger at the realization that im dreaming. I decide that today i'm not going to die. I change into a T-Rex (don't laugh) and i attack the gator.
I change back when the gators dead. I pull out a knife and start to remove the gators organs (don't ask why because i really don't know). I reach my hand inside and remove the dislodged skeleton. instead of gator bones I find myself peering at a human skeleton. The gator was a person in disguise.
The whole neighborhood had filtered out onto the road during the process and had gasped at the sight. They began to murmur as if they knew something. I threw the skeleton in the dumpster. what seemed like a few days later, the police are investigating the body but no one utters a word. They all saw the human in gator skin but none would reveal such information.
*End of dream*
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Hi Allanna Bean,
Your dream is now being featured and promoted on our FB page.
Congrats from the CosmoFunnel team.
glide on love
Really? That's Wonderful!!
Hi Allana,
Wow, your dream is very powerful and meaningful. I think that Alligators symbolize fear and anxiety, as well as awakening and transforming. There is a big message for you in this dream, It looks like you have looked fear in the eyes and prevailed. What you have feared all along may have been your own inner strength and knowledge, which you have now come to realize, some qualities that you have kept hidden from not only yourself but even your boy friend, because you may have worried that he might not understand.
You may also know that crocodiles have the ability to both walk on land and swim in the water which makes them creatures belonging to two realms, and thats why some ancient cultures worshiped them and held them as divine.
Its great to always keep track of our dreams for there is for sure lots that can be revealed to us, and the more attention we pay to our dreams the more active and accurate our dreams will become.
Keep dreaming sweet
Shirley Pourbaba
HI Shirley,
Your Explanation is very similar to how I analyzed the dream. Thanks for your feedback, it provided a new outlook into the dream. :)
Kind Regards,
Allanna Bean
You are more than welcome.