He Is The One

Maybe I am magical, perhaps I already know, but I also know I am real. I want to marry a man who knows I am BOTH, just how I feel, I want to marry a man who can navigate the wild tangle in my mind, go past the castles it builds and around the mythical creatures it conceives to pursue the truth beneath my story.
I want to marry a man who anchors me. A man who can kiss me both fiercely and tenderly , whose hands I can trust to know each freckle, each fold... And will hold me as I shudder with ecstasy or with grief, a man who can magically take away all hurts from my children, with the same lips, and teach them the ultimate art of sand castle building with the same hands.
I want to marry a man who can look into my eyes and know my quiet power, but yet patiently wipe away my tears of frustration of things that don't matter... A man who loves my flesh and bones, who SEES my heart, doesn't shy away from my ugliness or realness, isn't bothered by my "morning breath" , and in emergencies.. Let's me go to the bathroom when he's in the shower... Holds my hair back when I've had too many on our night out, paint my toenails (messily) and trim my bush (delicately)..
I want to marry a man who can ride the waves of my volatile emotions like an expert seaman through oceans of confusion, pain and self pity, yet knows how to steer me calmly back to shore of reason and balance, EVERY TIME. A man who sees my strength and beauty, even when I can't see it myself. Yet he will call me out on my bullshit, even when I fool everybody else. He reads, philosophized, questions, fantasizes.. And leaves his boxers on the bathroom floor.. But still so magical to me.
Yes, he will debate and sometimes argue past midnight, from religion to education, to Africa and the homeless, but will still hold me all night long. He will be there, by my side, through mistakes and heartaches, through good times and bad, through births and deaths, from the deepest loss to the greatest triumph and ALL of the ordinary days in between...even holidays on the west coast.. To eggs and toast because things are tight this week...he is there .. Always there... Until our last days on earth... Yes.. This is dedicated to YOU KEEF.... Aahhhh... The wonders of unconditional love
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BEAUTIFUL!!..........Carolyn I felt like I was riding the wave of Love right along with you in this.........your dream of the wonders of unconditional Love.............congratulations to you and KEEF..........ride the wave my friend...........all the way into the shore............and be blessed........for the heart of this write is truly magical and real all at the same time...........well done my friend!!..........a truly compelling piece of writing................Love and Rockets!!...........T xo
Thank you so much Tony! I am glad you enjoyed my writing.. Just feelings i put on paper from time to time :) I've read your work too and seem to think you write about so many wonderful things... Including love.. You seem to be a very deep thinking person and I appreciate your nice comments :) But I think you deserve all the nice comments too because you're work is amazing... Very much and with your followers and fans and people loving your work... VIP... Very impressive :)