Boy did I just wake up from a strange dream. I was in the forest and saw the father bear eating his own cubs. Then I was in the jungle and saw the father lion eating his own cubs. I asked myself, "Why would a father eat his own children just to get at their mother?" I said to myself, "Thank God men are not like this. Men are not animals." Then I dreamt of Chinese, Russian, Iranian, North Korean Planes bombing the USA. Nuclear Bombs falling and killing people. My fellow Americans dead and dying in the streets. For some reason I was still alive watching this nightmare. I woke up scared at what I just dreamed. I was happy when I realized this was a terrible dream. It was not real.
I went to put the TV on and turned on the Fox Channel. The headline was "Tension grows as China wants to reclaim Taiwan." I turned to the CNN Channel. The headline was, "Russia bombing Ukraine. Women and children killed in record numbers!"
I switched to NBC Channel, "Iran moving forward developing a possible Nuclear Bomb to destroy Israel!" I will try ABC News. The headline was, "North Korea has Tested long range Missile capable of carrying a Nuclear Warhead."
I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming but sad to say I was awake. I thought I would go to the Naked Girl websites to cheer myself up. I thought the men in America, the men who are in charge, the men who are Politician's, the men who are Generals, the men who are in the Army, Navy, the Air Force, the Marines will protect us all. I have seen enough Military Movies in my life and I know one thing, American Men will Kill to save the American way of life and to protect our freedoms. I thought that is why God made men hunters. It is in their DNA. He must have realized men would always need to hunt animals to provide food for their families so they would need to learn how to kill animals. It was just a fact of life. This is how man would survive by killing animals. Then sometimes other men would hunt in an area they were not from and the men who were there first would tell them to hunt elsewhere. Sometimes the men would leave but sometimes they would not. Then some men learned the only way to stop the men from hunting in their area was to kill them. It is not that the killers hated the other men who stole their food by hunting in their area it just that some men feel comfortable killing other men. It is part of their DNA. Killing other men.
Probably for the last 300,000 thousand years men all over the world have found very good reasons why they have to kill other men. They still do it today.
I thought about our American History. The Colonists came to this country because the English tried to enslave Americans. American will not be slaves to Great Britain. It is strange that most of the men who signed the Constitution owned slaves and did not see any problem with this fact. A topic not discussed even to this day.
When we killed enough English Soldier’s we turned our eyes on the American Indians and hoped we wouldn't have to kill these people. All we had to do is get them to move to Oklahoma. I guess we had to destroy a Race of People to truly become free Americans.
Sure, we had the Civil War, WW1 and WW2, Korean War, Vietnam and don't forget and Afghanistan and Iraq. There is no doubt many men were heroes and died defending this country.
One thing that makes me sleep at night is knowing that there are Powerful Men in America and when unleashed will kill any living thing they see as a threat to our way of life. I bet there are some men that would even eat their own children if they thought it would help defend America. This is why God has blessed America because he or she knows what American men are capable of and can do. Yes, these men can be quite fierce when they have to be.
So, I felt sleepy and no longer afraid because I know men are sitting in their Nuclear Silos staring at screens watching the skies for signs of incoming blips on their monitors. Then I had another dream. I saw many women from all ages. All dressed form the time they were alive. Some wore robes, gowns, plain white dresses. These women were all dead. These women were in the bedrooms of little girls all over the world whispering in their ears. The dead women were crying, and all dressed in Black. They all looked like they just came from their funerals. They all retreated from the young girls after they delivered their message.
I again woke up asking myself, "Why am I dreaming of these dead women? Why am I seeing bombs fall on America? What the Hell is going on?" Now I have to get up again. I said, "I am not turning on that Fucking TV it has nothing but misery and horrible news. Every Fucking Channel! I am going to my computer and watch You Tube Videos!"
I sit in my full wooden chair and click on You Tube. I click on the Lake Mead Video. Lake Powell video. Colorado River video. Southwest will be out of water in 5 years. 60 million people will have to move back to the Northeast. The Northeast part of the country will collapse if 60 million people move from the west coast to the east coast.
I got up out of my chair and got on my knees, "Please God I am 69 how long before I die? It is getting bad down here and I think the powerful men all over the world have tried their best. Many of these men over the years have killed and even died for all of us on both sides. I am afraid when the Artic is totally melted and all the ice is gone all the countries will be fighting over the gas and oil reserves up there. I fear WW3 and I don't want to be around when it happens. Please God tell me when will I die?"
I bowed my head waiting to hear the voice of God. "Just as I thought, not a Fucking thing." I started yelling, "Every time I ask you for help you never answer. They throw me out of my job because of Covid. Now I am too old to get another job. I am forced to write these Fucking Poems that no one reads. Then you send that Fucking Bitch Sandy that makes me obsessed with her and almost destroys me. Then you killed my Father when I was five years old with his high blood pressure. You Killed My Mother and oldest Brother. He was dead on the floor for 3 weeks. The undertaker said he was as black as a rotten banana. The funeral director said, "You can't have an open casket better cremate him." 'Now I sit in this Fucking apartment rotting away waiting for the day it is my turn to die. Thanks for the Love! Now I have to wait for some Fucking Solider, probably a young Kid from somewhere comes through my door and shoots me in the Fucking Head!" I got up off my knees and thought the powerful men want to have one final war which they will love. WW3 it will be great. Should have the highest death count and all time record. Down from 7 billion to less than 1 million. Were all Fucked and God could care less. I went back to bed. I said, “What is the use we are all doomed to die.”
I went to bed again but sensed something was wrong. I sat up in bed and was shocked when I saw a man sitting in my chair in front of my bed. I shouted, “Who the Hell are you! What are you doing here?”
The stranger replied, “I was sent by God to answer some of your questions.”
I shouted back, “Are you crazy. If you don’t get out of this room I am going to get up and throw you out the window!”
The stranger replied, “I have no doubt you can throw me out the window but then you would have to deal with my security in the next room. Trust me, you won’t be able to throw them out the window.”
I thought this was another bizarre dream and I will probably wake up soon. This is not real.
“Trust me,’ the stranger replied, ‘This is real and I am in your chair.”
I sat there in disbelief looking around the room and wondering what kind of dream is this. I saw on the clock it was 4:03 am. I said, “Okay I guess I am dreaming so I will play along until I wake up. Again, Why are you in my room?”
The stranger replied, “I told you, God sent me to answer your questions.”
I asked, “Who are you?”
The stranger replied, “I am his Agent.”
I asked, “What kind of Agent?”
He replied “Entertainment Agent.”
Joe replied, “You are telling me you are an Entertainment Agent for God.”
“Yes,” replied thy stranger.
Totally confused Joe goes in a different direction. “Tell me what is Life about? Why am I here? Why is anybody here? Why does God allow school shootings, Putin killing people, Global Warming, Water crisis coming to destroy all of us and nobody is doing a Fucking Thing. More women are killed each day wanting their independence. Men in power are destroying this planet. And God sits back and does nothing about it. The religious nuts on this planet have probably killed more people than they enlightened.”
Dead silence in the room.
The stranger replies, “it is funny you should say they because there are many people who agree with you.”
Joe asks, “Who agrees with you?”
“The dead…keep in mind your body has to die to give birth to your soul. This is why God is in the entertainment business and needs an agent. You see, all the people that were ever born since Adam and Eve someday die. All these should do add up and God realized I need to entertain these souls who are my children. The dead kind of exist in a different energy level that vibrates at a different frequency. The TV reception at that frequency is terrible. Nothing but snow on the TV. So, God early on allowed the dead to watch the living all the good and bad man has created. God has come to the conclusion after 7 million years man, some men love to kill their fellow man. It doesn’t matter what race he is, what skin color, what religion he follows a lot of men, especially the ones in power, the Kings, The Presidents, The Chiefs all do it for what they think are the correct reasons. Money, Land, Jealously, Power, a big one is defending the homeland. There is a bizarre theory by some famous dead people who shall remain nameless that Wealthy, Rich Powerful men love to play games and get a sexual thrill out of high kill counts.”
Joe shouts, “Enough! I have heard enough please get out of my dreams and let me go back to bed! Get out of my house, I don’t want to hear anymore!”
The stranger stands up and tells Joe, “Okay, Okay…I will leave. God just thought you wanted some answers to some questions.”
Joe asks, “You mean Jesus?”
The stranger replies, “Technically he is the son of God. Currently God is being called Allah. Next month who knows: Jehovah, Elohim, Braham, Yahweh. Funny thing, most people don’t realize until they die that God no matter what name you call him or her it is the same ball of Energy. No male or female shape. The word is when Judgement Day arrives the ball of energy will appear as a man or woman. Until then no one knows.
Joe thinks for a moment and sits back down in bed. Joe replies, “Okay I will play your question game since I can’t get to sleep. God knows we are running out of water all over the world. I always said no country would be crazy enough to drop a nuclear bomb on another country but now I am not so sure. Russia killing women and children all in the name of land. China wants Taiwan back. It looks to me we are headed for WW3. What does God have to say about this threat to mankind?”
The stranger sicks back down and replies, “It is funny you ask that question. Many of the dead people have asked God that same question, especially the women.”
Joe asks, “What was God’s answer.”
The stranger replied, “God said he witnessed the same male aggression all over the world since man was created. God told the women men have run the planet for the last 300,000 years and their universal love to kill their fellow man is just too strong. Men will never change. Mr. Putin is proof of this.”
Joe comments, “So God is going to sit back and watch man start WW3 and destroy the world.”
The stranger replied, “Not quite. All the women ever born and now dead went to God and made a deal with him.”
Joe asked, “What kind of deal?”
The stranger replies, “The women told God since he has allowed man to run and ruin the planet since time began and now we are on the verge of extinction then women should be given a chance to run the planet.”
Joe asks, “How does God plan to have women take control of the planet?”
The stranger replies, “Women no longer need men to hunt and provide them with food. They no longer need men to protect them from invading armies. They no longer need men to have babies. Women are slowly realizing they no longer need men for anything. So this let say call it Me Too movement is just the start of female domination over men. Men and women are becoming less interested in each other to live a happy life.”
Joe interrupts, “Women are not going to rise up and leave their positions of comfort, their nests to overthrow man.”
The stranger continues, “Well women since time began have always had comfortable nests. Women just sat home in their nests and let the sons and daughters run off to their wars and kill each other. Now with the water crisis looming all over the world, the global electrical power shortage, climate change, interruption in the food supply change. A reduction of global natural resources will create a fierce competition for the remaining resources on the planet. The threat of WW3 will drive women globally to assume positions of political power.”
Joe replies, “You are telling me women all over the world are going to run for political office and start running the world? Am I living in a simulation or is this base reality? I saw a bizarre video on You Tube and they said life is not what you think it is.”
The stranger replies, “That information is classified!”
Joe looks at the stranger, “Oh! So now you are telling me you work for the CIA.”
The stranger laughs, “The men and women in the CIA are some of the best and brightest minds we have on the planet. They don’t really work for God because they think they are God. No lack of self -confidence there.”
Joe is mentally and physically exhausted and declares’ “You know it was great having this nightmare but I think I am still asleep and standing up. I am going to lie down and hopefully I will never dream about you again. I am sorry I bothered God because he or she is making me dream about a crazy man in my room.” Joe falls back into bed and continues his deep sleep praying the dreams have stopped.
The room is now empty with the stranger gone. Joe is tossing and turning in bed. Praying to God and hoping he doesn’t have any more bizarre dreams.
Joe is dreaming and he am in his Maroon Chrysler 300 driving in what looks like Washington DC. He can see all the big buildings and monuments. He remarks to himself, “That is funny, that is the fourth cop I have seen and all the police are women. Where are the men cops?” I park at the Capitol Building and go inside to see what Congress is up to. I park right on the steps and start to walk up the steps and enter with no one stopping me. I I see a sign on the wall reading House of Representatives so I open the door and go in. I don’t see one man anywhere. Nothing but women talking and voting on a Bill. I exit the room and see a sign reading Senate. I slowly open the door and I see again all women inside.
Joe asks, “What happened to all the men? These women won’t be able to protect me. Where have all the powerful me gone?”
Joe stumbles out of the Capitol Building and walked down the front steps. There wasn’t a soul in sight.
I asked myself, “Is this another bizarre dream, or did I fall into some time warp where I have been transported to the future. I have read time is not linear and the future already exists.”
I got a massive headache just comprehending where I am. I finally see a little African American Girl walking toward me. I sit down on a bench and she walks up to me and sits down next to me.
Joe asks the girl, “Where is your mommy and daddy?”
The girl laughing replies, “I don’t have a mommy and daddy.”
Joe looks stunned and says to himself, “I can’t take talking to crazy people in my dreams. I got to get out of here.”
Joe stands up and starts walking away from the girl.
The girl shouts out, “Mister Havard please come back I want to talk to you.”
Joe stops and replies, “Listen little girl, I have had the most bizarre dreams tonight. I have had a man in my bedroom explaining the future. Now I am in Washington DC talking to a little girl who has no parents. I am seeing bears and lions eating their cubs, Chinese and Russian planes flying over the USA getting ready to drop bombs. I have no idea why I am dreaming about all this shit. I am sorry I ever complained to God now he is punishing me by showing me all these things. All I want to do is to go back to bed and be left alone."
The girl replies, “Joe… life doesn’t work like that.”
Joe asks, “How did you know my name was Joe Havard?”
The girl replies, “You have been selected. We know who you are.”
Joe stunned he looks at the girl, “Selected for what?”
The girl replies, “If you come back and sit down by me, I will tell you. Your crazy dreams are almost over. You need to hear what I have to tell you.”
Joe curious returns to the bench and sits down next to the girl. He asks the girl for her name.
The girl replies, “I represent a group of women. I have many names, many faces, I have lived many lives. If you take all the women who were ever born and died over the centuries their dying bodies released their souls which since time began is a ball of energy. I am called Female Energy.
Joe asks, “Why am I dreaming of Washington DC and all the women in the House and Senate? Why am I here talking to you? I am just an average guy. Covid forced me into retirement, I moved from Cleveland, OH back to Pennsylvania. I sit in my 1 bedroom apartment watching nothing but garbage on TV. Everybody hates everybody. Democrats versus Republicans we are all doomed. I write my stupid little poems trying to make some sense out of life that no one reads. The world is running out of water and we will all suffer for this and God sits back and does nothing.”
The little girl tells Joe, “Well it is funny you say that about God. I do want to tell you if all the women who have ever lived and died formed Female Energy then men have an equal energy called Male Energy. Myself and Male Energy have had a nice conversation with God. God is troubled with the current state of affairs and some powerful men could in the years to come destroy the planet.”
Joe asks, “Your saying God does not want the planet destroyed?”
The little girl replies, “No, I am saying God does not want man to destroy the planet?”
Joe asks, “Are you telling me God wants the option to destroy the planet?”
The girl replies, “I think we are getting off the topic here. Let me continue with our meeting with God.
The reason I want to talk to you is all the dead women who make up Female Energy have been discussing a plan to save the planet. We have been talking about it for nearly one thousand years. The men who make up Male Energy have opposed this Female Plan since it first came up. After centuries of discussions the Men have finally agreed to allow the Women to put this plan into place.”
Joe more confused than ever asks, “What is the plan?”
The girl replies, “Women are going to stop having children, become more educated, start expressing their opinions on how life should be and become politically involved and start running globally for office.”
Joe replies, “Your telling me women all over the world are going to rise up, assume positions or power
And take over the world?”
The girl tells Joe, “We need someone to write a dramatic book, poem short story that will influence women to assume this new leadership role. We feel the book, story or poem will change the course of human history and will change minds and might even be made into a movie to motivate women. We think we have found our writer, author maybe poet.”
Joe askes, “Who is that?”
The girl replies, “You!”
Joe stunned replies, “I am not a good or talented writer. Sure, I have written some silly poems that no one reads. Did you see my numbers on my poetry site? If I want to get more read’s I should upload a hot woman’s photo and change my username to Josephine. Why would you approach me about writing anything?”
The girl tells Joe, “We know you are not talented but there is something more important than talent for this once in a lifetime job. In fact, this is the reason you were probably born. You embody all the qualities of the typical global man. You are egoistical, opinionated, obnoxious, self- centered, misogynistic, arrogant, in different, racist, chauvinist, unpatriotic, xenophobic, hateful, lazy and ignorant. You got it all.”
Joe replies, “You didn’t say I was funny. People in work have always told me I say funny things.”
The little girl replies, “there is a difference between saying funny things and saying stupid things.
Your what’s called a hack writer or better yet a hack poet. You think you have an important message for your fellow man so you write about things you don’t really understand.”
Joe asks, “If you know I am not a talented writer how is anything I write going to help your cause?”
The little girl replies, “Once you finish your base story about women running the world you can upload it to the internet and forget about it. Once we find the perfect author he will read your story, book or poem and it will inspire him to write a landmark piece of literature that will inspire women globally to take up the cause and rise to positions of power all over the world. This may take us 10 years, 50 years, maybe 100 years to find this author. He will be tall, dark and handsome and a literary word master.”
Joe asks, “What’s in this for me?”
The little girl asks, “What do you want, fame, money, women?”
Joe replies, “A painless death.”
The little girl tells Joe, “We can do that. Now it’s time for you to talk to Male Energy for the male point of view. After you have listened to him you have to give us your answer if you accept this mission?”
The little girl stands up and walks away. Joe sees an old man with a cane approaching him. The man takes a seat next to Joe on the bench.
The old man asks, “Do you liked to be called Joe or Joseph?”
Joe replies, “Joe.”
The old man tells Joe, “What do you think of Female Energy?”
Joe replies, “She called me a hack writer. She doesn’t think I am funny. They always told me at work I said funny things.”
The old man says, “Well sometimes women can get a little mean. She represents many angry women. They are concerned for the future of man and they don’t like the way things are going. They have been demanding a chance to take over running the planet and the men have finally agreed. I represent all the men who were ever born and died. I am called Male Energy. After centuries of debating who should run the planet, the men have final agreed to give women their chance.”
Joe asks, “Why would they do that?”
The old man replies, “The Entertainment Agent told you the purpose of life is Entertainment. You watch TV for Entertainment the dead watch the living for the same reason. We watch the good, the bad and the ugly. Now with women taking over, many men think this will give rise to the greatest acts of comedy committed by the women in the history of man.”
Joe remarks, “I don’t see how women taking control of the planet will solve all our global problems?”
The old man replies, “The collective thought of all the women is based on the concept of male aggression. Women argue since the beginning of time when man was created men needed to be aggressive so they could protect their families. Today, there is no need for male aggression. Women have been protected for most part since time began. Now we have come to a time in civilization women are realizing they no longer need me to hunt animals for food so they can eat. They don’t need soldiers to protect them. They don’t even need men to have babies. They are afraid man’s global aggression, which is in all males since birth, will now finally destroy the planet. They, the women, want to turn the planet into a Global Amazonian Utopia.”
Joe sits back and raises his hands and says, “God please take me out of here. I have never had such bizarre weird dreams in my life. I am talking to a weird little ten year old girl. Now I am talking to a ninety-nine year old man. It’s like I fell out of a dream into some sort of Time Loop where now I don’t know where the fuck I am or who I am talking to. I thought up until now the most bizarre thing that happened to me was that dental hygienist coming into my office and taking her clothes off and climbing on top of me to rub her vagina in my face. I am still trying to figure out how that hallucination happed to me and why. God, please take me away from these crazy people!”
The old man tells Joe, “I am very sorry to upset you. I told the women this was not the right thing to do by contacting you. But if you know women once they get something in their head you can’t change them. They told me he is going to join you soon so what is the big deal.”
Joe replies, “Join you? Do you mean I am going to die soon?”
The old man replies, “Well everyone does but you still have quite a few years before you join the male fraternity.”
Joe cries, “I just want this nightmare to be over. I want to go back to be. I never want to see you or the little girl or hear about male aggression or WW3. I want to forget this night ever existed. Please tell me how to I get out of this place?”
The little girl returns and sits down with the old man and Joe on the bench. She hands Joe a paper and a pen.
Joe asks, “What is this?”
The little girl replies, “Before this meeting ends for you, we need to know if you will champion our cause. We want you to write a story titled, ‘Male Silence.’ If you agree, you need to sign this contract and we will give you the peaceful death you asked for. When your time comes.”
Joe asks, “What if I don’t sign it?”
The girl replies, “Nothing, you will go back to your apartment, your life and continue writing your poems. You should know you will have turned down one of the greatest literary opportunity since civilization began. The author who will eventually write this literary masterpiece will credit your early version of the story crediting you for his inspiration. You will finally be considered an important writer. Male Silence will be considered one of the greatest literary works ever written on paper.”
Joe turns to the old man and asks, “Should I sign this?”
The old man replies, “I can’t advise you either way. It is totally up to you. You do have free will.”
Joe turns to the littler girl, “I have no idea where I am and why am I talking to you in this dream or vision or whatever you call it but you are right. I don’t consider myself an important writer. I don’t even consider myself a hack writer. If you have to put a label on me I would describe myself as a Hack Poet. I am retired now, watch terrible movies all day and when the mood strikes me I scratch some words on paper that I try to turn into a poem. So, I don’t want to be your champion. I am not anyone’s champion. I wish you luck in finding a champion for your cause so please leave me alone and let me go to sleep on this bench. I hope when I wake-up I will be back in my bed.”
The little girl tells Joe, “I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but I think it is time to tell you what plan the women have to save the planet from greedy, evil and powerful men. All the women who have ever been born and died have come to the conclusion that all their problems have been caused by male aggression. Women to this day are being controlled and killed in record numbers by men. Women know this will never change so they have created a plan to reduce male aggression and eventually eliminate it for man. Our plan is called Male Silence. The first part of the plan was to educate as many women as we could. Phase two is to reduce the birth rate so women can focus on rising to positions of power then eventually run for political office. Once we have women in record numbers become lawyers, judges, doctors, politicians, police women and so on, we will introduce a new vaccine to make criminal men who have been found most likely to commit violent crime more docile. We will start with the poor young men then we will spread the vaccine to all men. It may take several hundred years to breed male aggression out of men but what choice do we have?”
Joe asks, “So you want to turn the planet into a Global Amazon Village run exclusively by women!”
The little girl replies, “Joe, where do you think the planet will be in fifteen to twenty years. Do you think Global Warming is a joke? Do you realize many women are still being raped and killed because they want to be different. How long do you think it will be before man starts WW3? Let’s say man doesn’t start WW3 but increases his Cyber Warfare attacks. Men in America have been testing shutting down computer systems that run utility companies in foreign countries. Do you know how many people will die once the heat is turned off in the winter. You have seen how many people have died from the covid virus. That was just a test run. Do you have any idea how many viruses will be released on the world in the coming years? Do you have any idea how your participation in writing Male Silence will be the start of ending all male driven wars? Male Docility will lead to the end of crime. Women have to make men submissive so we can responsibly manage them just like any natural resource. You have even said you wished your mother could have run the planet it would be a better world for everyone. You will die one day and who do you think you will see? You will be reunited with all your loved ones including your mother. Just how proud she will be knowing you are the author of Male Silence. All you have to do to achieve immortality is sign this contract. We will even help you write the first draft.”
Joe asks, “How will you help me write this story?”
The old man finally comments, “Joe, I have no position on if you should sign the contract or not. But what really makes me laugh is the concept of creativity and who is responsible. Who do you think created fire? Was it man or was it the energy of the dead that placed the idea in the cave man’s head. The truth is the dead have been possessing the living forcing them to come up with new inventions in literature, science and technology. If it wasn’t for the dead man would be still living in caves.”
The little girl jumps in, “You are not supposed to be discussing this! He is not ready to hear this. You know this information is reserved for the dead only!”
The old man replies, “I thought I was helping him decide if he should sign the contract.”
The little girl asks Joe, “Well are you going to join us and sign the contract and fulfill your destiny?”
Joe replies, “You make a compelling case on why I should be your base writer. On why male aggression should be bred out of men. Maybe man will destroy the planet fighting over the remaining resources or we will shut down the planet with global cyber attacks on each side. Yes, I would love to help stop the male violence on the planet: school shootings, honor killing, cyber attacks, violence against women climate change and the ultimate horror WW3. No one ever said it was heaven on earth. Horrible things have happened since man was created and probably always will. Why I don’t know and maybe I never will. What I do know is your plan has flaws and is based on the assumption that once women are in charge they will not fall to the temptations of power and money and replace male aggression with female aggression. If somehow this is all real and not a bizarre dream. I wish you luck in your plan to save the planet. I just want to forget I ever met you, go back to my bed and live what life I have left.”
The old man tells Joe, “Just walk to the bottom of the stairs and a Taxi will come by to take you home. It was very nice meeting you."
Joe turns away from the odd couple and walks down the stairs when a Taxi pulls up. He gets in the Taxi and is immediately transported back to his bed and is now in a deep sleep.
We now switch to the Lake of Fire. There is a stone altar rising out of the center of the fiery lake. The old man and little girl are sitting in granite chairs awaiting the arrival of Satan.
The little girl turns to the old man and says, “I can’t believe that idiot Joe Havard turned me down. Everyone wants fame, money, women, he could have had the most decadent life possible. He doesn’t want to help his fellow man by putting an end to killing. He won’t even help save the planet!”
The old man replies, “I thought you had him when you brought up his mother and how proud she would be proud of him for writing Male Silence! It makes no sense at all for him to turn you down.”
Then Satan himself rises out of the Lake of Fire and ascends to his throne. He asks the pair seated in front of him to rise and describe the failure.
The little girl addresses Satan, “My most noble Lord. I have been working on this plan for the past thirty years and I thought with the series of dreams we showed Mr. Havard and how his participation in writing this Feminist Manifesto titled Male Silence would bring him anything he wanted from riches, fame, women and even a painless death. We just couldn’t close the deal.”:
Satan tells the pair, “You know I have been trying to get his soul for the last thirty years. You both knew how important this signature is to me personally.”
The old man falls to his knees and cries out, “My dear Lord, I am heartly sorry for having failed you. I was afraid if I pressured him, he would ed up and not sign. I can tell you my companion delivered her reason with passionate brilliance and explained to Mr. Havard why he must champion this cause.”
Satan tells the pair, “You both had the chance to monitor his life, his dreams, to discover what more than anything else is important to him and you both failed me miserably.”
Lilith now ascends to the stone island. She is dressed in a flaming red gown and is possibly one of the most beautiful women since the beginning of time. Lilith walks over to her son and kisses him. She then turns to the demon pair waiting for their punishment for failing Satan.
Lilith tells the pair, “Even though you both failed you have uncovered some valuable information about Joseph Havard. I now know what he secretly desires more than anything.”
The little girl cries out, “Tell us Mother of Satan what is it he desires.”
Lilith replies, “I have an important job for both of you. I need a permanent reminder to teach all the price of failing Satan.” With that said Lilith waves her hand at the pair and turns them to stone.
Lilith tells Satan her son, “I finally know how we can get him to sign his soul away. I swear if this is the last thing I do we will own his soul.”
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