Entering a land in a dream...
Nature glows brighter...
Animals hiding in the trees...
Running and playing behind the bushes...
Though the path goes for miles...
It only take a few minutes in my sleep...
There's a woman sitting on the grass...
To each others surprise...
We just looked at each other...
How far does the river flow?
She didn't say a word...
Are you lost?
She didn't say a word...
She began to cry as she stood to her feet...
It's going to be dark soon...
I come here every day and stay into the night...
How did you find this place?
I came here in my dream...
My boyfriend and I would come here together...
These days I come alone...
Why isn't he here?
One night as we were leaving we had car trouble...
He went for help and he never came back for me...
Everyday I wait...
When you walk the river trail and if you happen to see him...
Would you let him know I'm waiting for him?
Of course I will...
Maybe, we'll see each other in your dream sometime and he will be next to me...
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Hi Sweet Sparrowsong,
Your beautiful poems never fail to mesmerize me. I race from line to line in total excitement, wondering what the next one will bring. At last, they reach their culminated crescendo, and at their end, I am always pleased with their power.
Hugs, Peace and Love,
xox Larry
Hello Larry...
Sometimes, comments will make you take a deep breath...
This is one of those times...
Thank you for such an enthusiastic and sweet comment...
Hugs, Peace and Love