~ A Consistent Writer ~

Upon the paint of day
I sense the sunrise
Its warmth in yellow
Its cool in gray,
I intuit the colors
As sunlight
Hands me ways
To create the day
That I might
What may be portrayed,
Poetically conveyed,
Sculpted in clay,
Or, perchance
Upon the brow of night
I see through stars
Foretell the coming
Of other life
Like visions in windows
Revealing insights
Like snowflakes
That softly alight
Upon the petals
In my minds eye
(In due course)
They ignite
Blossom into
The words
I write...
I cannot explain
How I feel the sunrise
Or sense the stars
Perhaps like Twain
I simply must,
Or risk
Going insane,
Like many who create
I awake
Each day
And the very first thing
I consider,
What might I write
This god-given day,
To help
My mounting pain
Turn inside out
And then,
Tony Taylor
* Just thinking aloud ~
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I identify with every word written here Tony, I too FEEL the sun and the stars, the fullness and starkness. Your words beautifully convey the utter compulsion to try to write it all away...or make sense of it or simply share the burden of it all. Of course..that applies to the good things in life also or...in my case...used to. Excellent and meaningful write my friend written in your own unique style...hugs X
Holy Cow MARION!!....thank you SO much for understanding perfectly what I am trying to convey in this write......it's as though I have to write......I have to make sense of it all....a driving need to help with the pain of existence itself......and I go out of my way not to use any BIG or Difficult words in doing so....writing for the masses if you will.....I'm rambling now.....just excited by your comment!!......thanx again dear poet sister....you're awesome.......smiles.......T xo : )
cool conveyance of your wonderful insight my friend! enjoyed the melting feelings from your minds eye!..........................Jim
Big Smiles.....thank you JIM!!......the melting was kinda fun!!....I appreciate very much that you appreciate it my friend.......Glide on Love.......T xo : )
great poem
to look at the
sun and the stars
the way you did
here wonderful
get that feeling
and that meaning
Thank you GREG!!....wow!....so sorry it took me so long to reply to this.....a 'way cool' comment brother....I am ever so grateful!!......thanx again!!.......for being so kind and so insightful with your commentary!!.......I am your ever friend and admirer.......T xo : )
We are all inflicted with this necessity to bare our souls, spilling ink over & over again.. A brilliant pen my poetic friend 💕❤️💕
Thank you JILL!!....my apologies for the much delayed response to these most kind words .....you're right....we are ALL inflicted thusly.....thanx for the reminder my friend.......Lots Of Love to you and yours!!......Big Smiles.......T xo : )
Hi Tony,
Good write - enjoyed reading.
xoxo :)
Thanx TERRY!!......Glide on Love my friend!!......T xo : )
My word, you got it bad don't ya ... join the club .. and if you're already a member, maybe we should form a cult ................................................... N :)
Hey NEVILLE!!....Well, I've thought it over and the idea of a cult is a little overwhelming for me but getting together off the site and co-writing something is an idea we should toy around with.......I mean, if you're up for it I think it might be fun........and thanx for the kind words dear poet brother!!.......Out!!.......T xo : )
a kind offer Tony and I am honoured by it .. but for now, I fear I must also decline .. not ruled out completely however ........... N :)
No worries Neville......one never knows does one......have a blessed my friend.......smiles......T xo : )
wonderfully penned the words melt into ones soul bravo Linda
can relate !!!!
LINDA!!....thanx tons for the kind words and the support you share.......you're pretty groovy my friend!!.........Lots of Love to you and yours!!.........T xo : )
Well done as usual Tony.
When I retired 7 years ago I determined to work on my body and my mind.
Not to just sit around.
Keep them moving as long as possible. To that end became a bit of a gym rat for my body (lost 60 lbs) and started to write poetry for my mind. I’ve found both endeavors to be very valuable to center myself. Will never be a great body builder. Will never be a great poet. But I find both enjoyable and help balance my chi.
Seriously!! Well Done JP!!.......I am in a place of complete agreement, in as much we are apparently experiencing that place in our lives simultaneously.......like kindred spirits in the fleetingness of life's "Big Adventure" and all the ramifications that implies. I imagine if we were to meet in person our conversation would take us into the "Wee Small Hours Of The Morning"! I think the pursuit of 'balanced chi' is not only an honorable pursuit but the threshold into the truest & purist of pursuits that humanity has to offer.....take the leap brother.......Chi is only the beginning!!.........Glide on Love my friend!!
Peace......Tony : )
Such things we gaze upon in true wonder you poetically put so very well.
Glad writing is a form of distraction for you.
Thank you kindly Miss LILIANA!!.......I am more than pleased by this wonderful comment....the thought, the intent, the trueness, the fact that you read, understood, and left such thoughtful words behind here......says much about your love of the poetic!!....I am most grateful!!......Glide On Love my friend!!.......smiles.......T xo : )
Hello Tony,
if thinking out loud purges from your mind such deep seeded thinking, then please NEVER stop writing and thinking out loud🙏
This is such a tribute to all us poets here. As you inscribe the inner workings of a poet beautifully. The satisfaction gained when we pick up that pen, to release the imagery of sensations that palpitate inside our very souls. Only finding peace once we spill onto the page, and allow others to savour the flavours we have manifested within our conscious thoughts
A wonderful worded piece that shines brilliance and the fruitful thinking so many great poets leave behind. Such as yourself
Gwen :) x