Poem -

A Corvid-19 suicide

A Corvid-19 suicide

He plucked up his guts after more if’s than buts.. and he clambered over the ledge.. Like trembling jelly with knots in his belly he clung onto the edge..

If only he could think beyond his gloom but the only way out was darkness and doom..with noone to talk to nor help at hand he let himself tumble just as he had planned.. As he plunged through the air he heard peoples cries but his short life was lost in the blink of sad eyes..

Alas he was just another statistic read out on the news.. A Corvid-19 suicide from depression and blues..Oh how awfully somber as his loved ones were left in a state of sheer shock and a bleakness of bereft.. 

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An excellent write Jill, you have managed to convey the horror and also.the indifference of a world that actually doesn't give a shit about mental health, an illness that affects most of mankind. It doesn't put the resources or the research or the remedies in place and it never will in a world where money is king ...pinned ?

Jill Tait

Awwww Thanks luv so much well was a lad jumped bridge at town n made me think!! N??❤️❤️❤️

Greg Etsell

wow i didnt read this to carefuly 
wow i am sorry 
i ues to live by bridge 
that there was lot suicide 
then put suicide barriers
but it didnt stop some people
i rmmber one lady who
climbed up was going to jump
i remmber the day very well
they had close the bridge 
it tooik them 6 hr to talk her out 
of it and she came down 
i watch it all 6 hrs i could see
it from house with my binoculars
i could see her sittting there 
not a fun day 

Jill Tait

Yeah so sad young lad jumped off the Tyne bridge hr away from me :( dead too soon :( xxx

Jill Tait

Thank you a kid jumped off city bridge other day :( made me think 

Jill Tait

Yes but true I’m afraid xx?❤️?❤️

Being Me

R. I. P to the poor lad at the heart of this poem. My thoughts and prayers go to all he held dear in his life and loved. ?

​​​​​​It is a terrible thing, for someone to take their own life. The pain and turmoil they suffered before the deed would've been unbearable. Suicide is difficult. It is always messy. It is always painful. It happens suddenly (always a trigger). I knew of someone once who jumped out of a 4th storey window. He survived the fall and was conscious. He was also begging the paramedics to save his life as he had changed his mind... He no longer wanted to die. Sadly, he did die.

Mental health is an issue that needs so much more funding and research. A lack of empathy and a glut of selfish minds in the world today does nothing to help the situation. And nor do the amount of drugs and dealers circling our streets. 

Great awareness write. x

Jill Tait

Yes it is a no win situation :( so sad!!! Dam Corvid-19 ??❤️?❤️

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