A different path than the locals

Thinking about growing up.
The path that lies before you,
going to school. Working afterwards.
Getting lost in society. What is reality.
Not learning the essence of life.
Marrying, children, husband or wife.
Not knowing which way to go to.
Divorcing, suicide, euthanasia, abortion.
The afterlife is mostly not known,
multiple lives through reincarnation.
What is important, on the longer term.
Parenthood, personality, character.
Growing higher in manhood and womanhood.
On your own or in a family.
Mostly alone, since my twin soul is elsewhere.
I will marry in the afterlife, not on earth.
Thinking about multiple lives, when will I meet her?
Different paths than the locals,
eternity, from one life to another. In love.
Not in pieces, but as a whole.
Moving from one sphere to another,
growing higher in inner beauty.
Individual and collective.
We all grow higher to make heaven on earth.
Changing society, no more wars and corruption.
We all come and go from the afterlife to the earth.
We are all brothers and sisters,
only in a different sphere. When learning
about the afterlife and reincarnation we can change.
Growing higher and changing ourselves on the long term.

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