Poem -

~ A Dying Man's Reverie ~

~ A Dying Man's Reverie ~

In the flat, icy, cold, he floated
Carefully breathing his final breaths
His thoughts taking him away
From the pins and needles 
From the cold sting
Of his, fast approaching, oceanic passing
It's funny, he thought, how the pain of the wet
Could bring a warm comfort as he floated away
Into the memories of youth, the back seat sex
The sermons at church 
The hunger, in his first taste of love
The pewter spoon at breakfast
The prayers in the dark
And all of the things that he might desperately miss
All because his lies, had rightfully capsized
Leading him here, into this flat, icy, cold
Where he floated above himself
Choosing each memory, pacing each breath
For the inevitable had arrived
And he found himself unprepared
For this icy, cold, death
He recalled a promise he'd made
To himself as a child
That he would not die alone
Never, die alone
Yet, here he was
With a bullet in his chest
Floating alone, into a watery grave
Where he no longer felt pain
Only regrets
For he'd been a dishonest man
And to himself, he recognized the irony
All of the money and all of the power
Could no longer help
As he drew his last breath
And sank into the blackness
Of a cold, icy, chamber
Filled with the stench
Of all his
Ice, cold,

Tony Taylor


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Jim "The Lad" ....

I just pulled my blanket up! I felt the cold, and I already know the sting of death when I had a heart attack! so you are hitting too close to home here Tony!..lol! Except all my regrets are taken care of. Great write !.........Jim

Tony Taylor

Thanx JIM!!......I'm sorry to hear about your heart attack...but it also sounds like you received some benefits from having had the experience!! I'm a little envious actually......Anyway, thanx again for the kind words and 'way cool' comment brother!!......Peace.....T xo  : )

Jill Tait

Awww I found this quite sad Tony but pinned coz I could actually see this poor guy’s demise ❤️💙❤️

Tony Taylor

Thanx JILL!!...as ALWAYS you are the queen of reading and commenting on this site!!......Don't think it goes unnoticed!!.....stay groovy dear poet sister!!......Lots of Love to you and yours!!......Peace.......T xo  : )

Jill Tait

Awwww Tony Thank you so kindly my poetic friend, I listen to you, dunno why but I just can’t help it!!! Lol U know your onions lol xxx

Yiyan Han

Quite a powerful write on a state of no-return, and of course no use of any regrets either. I've posted "the Last Gunshot", a Chinese rock'n'Roll


Tony Taylor

Hey Thanx YIYAN!!...I appreciate your support brother...I'm gonna head to your page right now for "The Last Gunshot".......you are becoming quite the staple on this site and It is greatly appreciated......stay groovy!!......Peace.....T xo  : )

The fish of the sea

What magic!!! Every word tells and explicit story. I especially like how you painted the personality of the man through the "sins" including sex before marriage and greed that has riddled his life. Very very clever. A story, but with an underlying message. Peace and smiles. Admire your work. Your friend FISH

John Prophet

“All of the money and all of the power
Could no longer help”
It never does.
Great write Tony.

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