A Handful of Water

I watched,
but from a safe distance
and took note
of how you worked them
between your
rough, calloused and still
bleeding hands
until they were smoothe
like pebbles
or pretty polished glass ..
And my word,
how they glistened upon
the backs
and the palms of those
hands of yours ..
I recall how I marvelled
at how they
looked just like pearls,
but were mere
beads of water, yet no less
precious perhaps
than perfect cut diamonds
in this desolate
landscaped desert of ours ..
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Now, this is interesting. It is beautifully worded — in a way that depicts deep thoughts. The last line seems to hold the key ... is it a real desrt landscape or is it a metaphorical one ...could be both. I am thinking both?
Those first lines .." I watched, but from a safe distance..." its intriguing. Why a safe distance.... was the person ill? Or dangerous? Commanding respect? Or perhaps it wasn't a human person atall? I'm thinking human. The calloused hands indicate a person of the land. But WHAT did they work in those hands. I am inclined to think soap. Were they washing their hands? Ahhh perhaps they had just killed someone. Perhaps the safe distance was from the comfort of the poets own home. Perhaps they viewed a news reel piece on the TV.
Wow an interesting, observational poem. Top marks, Neville x
Under those circumstances & your obvious kind ponderings I feel obliged, indeed compelled to reinforce the view .. that of course a true gent neva tells and consequently, will leave the deciding entirely up to you .. but I am supremely grateful to ya Tina x
Me...I think this is about awe...of another person, not necessarily a nice person or a well person but someone who you marvel at for the way they speak, write, sing, or conduct themselves....I always feel this when I listen to or read the transcribed words or TV enactments of psychopaths...
bloody hell, what amazingly articulate and charming monsters they are...prob wrong...just my take on an amazing write x
you could be closer than you think our M thanks for so much consideration & then some xx
admire diligence and your write Nev!..........................................................Jim
Thanks Guv, so very much appreciated appreciated .. Hope all is now well in your world and sending my very best :)
Hello Nev...
Yup you never know when you might get wet?
Then you got up real close and saw the details?
What's her name?
Great write!
Thank you for sharing...
I am mighty glad you noticed .. but a gentleman, neva tells .. Neville
Hello Nev...
A man in love could shout her name from a rooftop...
Let it fly across the sky...
Put her name in lights...
I can't believe one happy gentleman can't be found amongst these...
The thought is sad...
So I shall not think of it...
Best wishes and blessings my gentleman friend...
How very kind and wonderfully scripted .. I simply love what you just pinned to this page dear sparrowsong .. so muchly I shall cut, copy and paste it onto my mirror and read it time and again when I shave .. Neville
Love this work, inspiring and well worded.
Thank you so very much Kristin, I am truly most grateful to you for the visit and encouraging review note you kindly left behind ..
All Good Things, Neville :)