Poem -

a written love

a expanded love is,
a written love
love expand to a written love
love expand to a century,century
of a written love
a written century is a,
written century of love
time expand time to a written love
time expand time to a written century
decided by time is decided by the expansion of time
decided by time is decided by the expansion of a written love
time expand to a expansion of time
time expand to a expansion of a written love
time expand to a expansion of a century

the making of love is the making of time
the making of love is the making of a expanded time
make is making of love,make is making of a century
a written century is the making of a written century
a written century is the making of a written love
time take us to a written century
time take us to a written love

author notes : my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc... this poem is about time is the making of time,century,and love. i don't add capitalization's on my writing.

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