Advanced society?

Why are there still slums
And homeless people
Living in an advanced society
How we claim to be progressive
When so many actions are regressive
Cutting back on health care and benefits
Treat some people like they are less than shit
Why we think it's OK to flaunt rich lifestyles on display
While other people having nothing at all
Why in an advanced society are people not equal
Equal chances of a good education
Equal chances of good jobs in life
Equal share of wealth that's created
Instead we get taxes through stealth
Meanwhile the food banks are growing
And the class divides are showing
Is there help for those who fall through the cracks
No because our society lacks
The ability to care and share
And make real change that will take us there
To a world of equality without the homeless and slums
Or we will remain at the present with the trickle down theory
Where we are fed crumbs
From the table of the rich and elite
Where you get a reward if you behave like a sheep.

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