An overwhelming thank you
Thanks for help offered, that started from a Facebook post

An overwhelming thank you
I was just having a night cap,
My sweet Chemo,
My sweet Mary Jane.
When I noticed on online media,
A stranger,
had mentioned my name.
From a simple post,
On an Internet site,
A reporter came to me to ask,
Of some information for her works gain.
Would I mind her doing a story on me,
To be in the paper,
Unbeknownst the very next day.
Some of what was written was wrong,
Yet most was spot on.
It’s often the way.
It made a massive ripple,
Through the Internets Web of inter linked cyber pathways.
Finding its way to kindness,Â
Found in so many forms and ways.
Offers to help me mentally,
A counseller in practice,
Just being one type of save.
Then along came more than a ripple of offerings of help,
More like a Tsunami wave.
They started with a man named Franco,
And amongst others,
The latest is a man called Dave.
They’ve offered me help with building,
With plumbing,
Even my garden pave.
I couldn’t be more thankful to these strangers,
For all the help I crave.
As if I’d have even tried these things,
I’d end up in an early grave!
So thank you from this family,
You’ve sure overwhelmed us tonight.
I can now drift off a lot more stress free,
As I lay my head down to sleep at night.
We appreciate it massively,
So thank you for your help and might.
As each and every single one of you,
Are helping to keep my family protected over these coming winter nights.
All snugÂ
All tight,
I’m having to pinch myself,
Just to be sure this is all real.
To me.
In the past,
Help like this was surreal.
Some people may not think its much.
But to me.
To my family.
Every little bit of help,
Is a massively big deal!

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