I keep my mind by a jar on the door, and my body swirling on a planet that dissolves into the quantumaether of nuanced necessity near the immolation of a sun's extinguishment. I like it that way. My satori is a technopathic circuitry of truths and innervation, streaming along a Gaian symptom of situating agency in the auspiciousness of garnished inclusion, bound to break the jar. In the culmination of dissimilar conflagrations between heavens hells and purgatories, I am wanting to break free. I look into the heart of every atmosphere, emergent and immersive, and I culminate the eradication of embodiment with myth and the test of every science. In sentience the veridical path of salient satellites commingle with the void...and I am harmony if but for an instant. Memory kindled in the light cast from the sun, like a prodigal armour of the soul, and an armistice of the theocratic. If Gods might exist why must they not be killed? Apollonic chariots carry me away...deep in the memory of night sky, flickering with the light of the Infinite Apollonics present in the whim of Ra and Nut, I fall by the wayside, saturated with Thothian prophecy, My body withers, the jar now broken, recalibrates original emptiness, I am the alignment of force in the monument of embodiment, the home of the Gods, and myths, monsters and heroes. I am all of this and more.
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