Poem -

~ Apollo ~

~ Apollo ~

"All that we call sacred history attests that the birth of a poet is the principal event in chronology.."
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

As I struggle with the idea of my life
The foreverness of my energy
The many wrong choices, the coming face-to-face
With my own jealousies and carnal shortcomings,
My failings unto others, 
The serious scars I've slashed into my own soul,
The struggle with the fine line of right and wrong,
The idea of life itself
Being a worthless endeavor,
The fraudulent circles being drawn
Around science and religion
That anger me so,
The fact that my third eye has begun to advance
Beyond my own ability to stay in sync with it,
The idea that I am living within a matrix of lies,
The wonder and light
Of simply
Observing nature
Sets my soul ablaze...

And so,

As I struggle to find 
That which I know in mind
But cannot yet convey
Causes me problems
In my day to day...

But then,

I begin to write
To construct a poem
And the entirety of my being
A lush green garden
Of sanctuary,
And boundless,

Tony Taylor


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Popop Rifici

love and rockets to you 

stars and seashells
God Bless

Tony Taylor

Dear Charles!
I do not know you well dear poet brother....But...if the Gods prevail...I do so hope we have the opportunity to converse much more at length!!.....Thank you kind sir!!....LOVE & ROCKETS!!.......T xo : )

al Bikaadi

A Wreath-worthy pen. Can relate to both the anguish and the ecstacy ❤


Tony Taylor

Thank You AL!!...I miss you brother.....Talk again soon!!......hugs n Smiles!!.....your friend and ever-admirer!!..........T xo    : )

The fish of the sea

Awww such a cool poem Tony, it seems like you get a real passion and sense of fulfilment out our your poetry! Such a great write and one that I resonate with a lot. All the Best and kind regards. The Fish of the Sea.

Tony Taylor

Hey FISH!!......you are WAY groovy......thank you... so much... for standing alone within a sea of those who would hide behind the commonality of "Fitting In".......it is your mind that I so appreciate...please...continue to write!!....I WILL meet you there some day!!.....Lots Of Love!!.......T xo  : )

Pratibha Savani

Hi Tony. I love this freestyle write. My favourite kind! Such deep meaningful thoughts conveyed here. Writing is one of the best ways to therapeut yourself....if that makes sense. 
Keep writing!!

Tony Taylor

Thank You PRATIBHA!!....YES indeed.....I do so prefer FREESTYLE poetic endeavor to classically binding rhyme schemes....Neither (of course) are better than the other......BUT...for me ~ I much prefer the walks of NERUDA and BRIAN GREENE as opposed to the many obvious comparisons!!....Once again, I thank you for your open-mindedness and your ability to perpetuate that which (in your own mind) is inspiring!!.....Lots of Love......Your friend and Admirer.....Tony : )      peace!


I really enjoyed this piece Tony.

The first half of this poem I would sum up as describing what it means to be human and make mistakes and have doubts....from my experience anyway.

Great write. Take care  - Syd xo 

Tony Taylor

You...My friend....are what the Gods described as the 'End all be All'.... of words unspoken.......yet, more succinctly described ........as that which may ultimately reveal itself...... as the whimsical nature of presentation.... in what can only be presented as "The kind of truth"....which lays in wait.... ...UNTIL....the moment is right for ALL those who may be involved in its particular rotation of truth's variables....and suddenly.......it recognizes......THE vantage point.......the perfect vantage point......So, thank you SYD.....for being unmistakably brilliant...in your perceptions as well as your chutzpah!!....You totally Rock brother!!....And......May the Gods be forever within your forearms ability with a sword!!......I am your ever-friend and admirer.......Peace.....Tony :)


'The wonder of light 
Of simply 
Observing nature
Sets my soul ablaze...' I feel this also...

Another very relatable and wonderful.write Tony ...
I suffer intense periods of pointlessness, even though I just know there is more we cannot comprehend with our human minds...cracking write ?

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