We've heard it seems so much more lately...
History Is Repeating Itself...
Have you needed your GPS and wondered how you ever survived without one?
Has your GPS ever taken you on a Route unknown?
Not sure why but, you listen and follow the directions...
Curious where it will lead you?
Do you ever think...
I'm listening to and following an AI...
ββββββIs it going to make me pull into someone's driveway and...
I could get shot?
Is it going to take me into an opening in the Earth and I'm going to plummet to my death?
You still keep going....
ββββββThen you begin to think...
I hope you're a real nice person in there or a real nice AI and...
You know your stuff and your nice...
Thank you for getting me there safely...
Are these the days of Noah?
We give more thought to technology having received your trust...
Then we give to the thoughts of Eternity for our Souls...
Am I right?
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you are right! these are as the days of Noah! and you make a great point about who or what we trust! I listen to the promptings of the" still small voice" not AI! great write feathers!.......................................................................Jim
Hello Jim...
It's amazing to think if we are the chosen generation to witness all of Revelation...
βββThe thought of two people being at the same place at theΒ same time and one is taken and one is left behind knowing it was God's hand...
I think everyone would just be in shock regardless of the warnings...
We could be driving and suddenly drivers are gone...
You know the passengers would be freaking out and visa versa...
The children too...
Oh my goodness...
If this World doesn't straighten out...
Oh well...
Maybe, it isn't supposed to?
βββI wonder if the evil ones really knew they were actually doing everyone else a favor...
Knowing they're left behind...
If there wasn't evil and Satan wasn't ruling the earth...
The entire story would have to be rewritten...
Everything would be the opposite...
That would be really weird...
No disease, No famine, everything beautiful?
That would just be weird...
Especially, after everything we and generations before us has gone through...
On the other hand if we're the chosen generation and we're lifted up into the clouds...
We would be so blessed beyond comprehension...
We won't be cast down into the Lake of Fire with the rest...
We won't spend eternity smelling the burning flesh...
People say when they smell it it's so disgusting and here the smell will eventually go away...
I'll pass on all of that...
They want it they can have all of it...
They can even have my share...
I don't want any of it...
ββββThank you for your kind comment and generous support...