Maybe, you're experienced from the lessons of past recessions...
Maybe, you don't think it will happen again even though many signs and warnings tell us so...
What do you do when you have a choice to make?
Have money to eat or money for fuel?
You can only choose one...
You need food because, you're hungry but, you need fuel to get to another interview...
Ask someone for spare change and they laugh and say I was going to ask you...
How is it right that it could have been avoided but, people chose to want it?
ββββββWhat if your choice was instead of men but, circumstance?
If the ballot said check here for prosperity, check here for another recession?
Would we be heading toward a recession because, it won?
Signs will be going up because, recession won...
Have fun!
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Hello Sis Cherie...
It breaks my heart that people even from other Countries was ecstatic that Biden won...
It doesn't matter that he's been in politics for 47 years and has done nothing but, him and his family has made all there money through his corruption...
He forgot his own name...
Too much time passed before they began their investigations giving them the time they needed to hide and destroy the evidence...
Plus they gave warnings that they were going to investigate...
Just like when children's services notifies they're coming and everything is good when they get there...
ββββββWhat comes around goes around and out economy does affect other Countries in many ways...
Of course, when it goes wrong the blame will go to the wrong source so there's no accountability as we clearly have seen...
I am an entrepreneur, I just don't have a storefront and I'm not part of the Government take over because, I'm independent of my own success...
I will never run for office and I don't have more in the bank that it takes to cover my bills, I don't have money hidden but, it can't be seen...
They come and confiscate what I have my vehicle is almost 20 years okd...
It's got dings and plastic pieces broke off...
It's not worth a whole lot...
I don't live in a house and I don't rent an apartment, I don't have a Condo but, I'm not homeless...
I don't have fancy clothes or expensive shoes...
People believe I'm as poor as a church mouse but, I don't ask people for any handouts...
I worked since I was 10 years old and I had my own business at 12 which I needed to hire help who needed to be paid...
I worked jobs for companies who dictated my paycheck...
It is possible to retire at 45 and needing no Government assistance...
I don't owe them, they owe me...
Otherwise, they'd be all over me like a shade tree...
This isn't going to hurt me like it will the majority of the working class and the Elderly...
Yes, things are going to get very expensive but, you know O have warning about getting ready, about this for years...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
WOW FEATHERS!!......That is an incredibly powerful and insightful write.....and I read your comment back to Cherie too....and that's even MORE powerful and are an amazing wealth of information when it comes to this kind of subject matter!!.....Please ~ Keep 'em coming dear poet sister!!......PINNED!!......LOVE & ROCKETS!!.......T xoΒ : )
Hello Tony...
I admit money helps for not just me but, people in need that I have helped and and the Blessings just come...
I don't ask God to reimburse me and I tell God to bless someone else but, God insists that Blessings to those whose names are on it belongs to them...
Who am I to argue?
I also admit that I don't mind paying for things I need at a reasonable cost but, when things double and triple in less than 4 weeks that's not how I enjoy spending my money...
I do enjoy not having to pay $200 for 5 bags of groceries when I know just a week ago those same 5 bags were $100...
I guess it bothers me more than it does the majority...
They definitely don't like money in their control...
Because, they kicked prosperity to the curb and ran over it with a truck and backed over it again...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!