As Free As a Bird
As free
as a virus
with nowhere to go ..
As free
as the wind
but with nowhere
to blow ..
As free
as a spirit,
but after so many
what I now know ..
I think
I would rather
be some kind of bird ..
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Thank you Linda .. Neville :)
This is really good poem, good job! ^^
Thank you kindly Sammy GTH :)
But what kind of bird? Blackbird, sparrow eagle, robin, wren .... (taking it that you are talking about the feathered variety) x
Quite possibly a red thighed falconet .. or a tawny owl perhaps .. or a swift .. xx
Yes! Or a barn owl, red kite, nightingale... puffin ( oh they are special) x
they are all lovely .. last year I saw my first wryneck and yesterday found a brambling in my kitchen .. you should google red thighed falconet tho .. xx
Wryneck? Wow! I've never even seen one of those, or a brambling. I've seen a photo of a red legged partridge...Will Google a red thighed falconet x
I am an avid horneythologist x
Okay... so... those falconets are really, really cute!
told ya didn't I x
Well Nev, birds aside, strikes me as kind of a lonely it nothing really. the birds I would be a penguin...ok... they can't fly but what stoic funny loving little things they are...and....what a waddle!!!! Shake that arse!!!! X
Bless you our M .. I got a thing about penguins too ..🐧)) x
always wanted to fly like your poem!......................................................Jim
Go on, make me happy why dont'cha .. Cheers Jim :)
No matter the animal… as long as I am free to be me..
i am happy.
Thanks for sharing.
and I thank you for stopping by my friend .. indeed, I thank you ever so muchly Sir Wilford :)