They're Here!

Known as Murder Hornets have entered the United States...
In their native habitat in Asia they have killed over 60 people yearly...
They wipe out entire Honey Bee colonies...
They can sting one person 200 times...
Their venom is so powerful they can cause kidney damage and all other organs in a human...
If you try and run they will chase you down...
If you try and destroy their nest...
You won't get away...
If you see a huge Hornet that looks like a Bee...
Get away as safe as you can...
When you see one, there's more...
The News reports were wrong when they said they're only in the West Coast...
One was in my front yard on Saturday, just 5 days ago, thousands of miles away...
I didn't know what it was until, I saw it on the News...
Asian Giant Hornets...
They're here...
2020 what a very memorable year...
First comes a Virus then comes a Killer Bug...
Stay Safe everyone!
Some people are saying it's Biblical...
Some people are saying...
Elbow Bump
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Elbow bump, Sparrowsong!
Giant Hornets...eurgh! I am so glad we don't have them over here. I do hope the one you saw was not considering your front yard as a suitable nesting spot!
Keep safe...from bugs of all kinds x
Hello Being Me...
I hope they're not trying to make my yard their home...
I'm not sure how they got here...
Maybe, like the Covid...
Someone brought it...
Maybe, it got into something and was imported...
Right now we're entering into a phase 2 of the virus also...
Not sure when the next one's coming...
There's 64 kids in the ICU right now in New York with the same conditions...
They were healthy...
They're saying it's related to the Covid...
There's a lot going on indeed!
Hope you stay Healthy and Safe too...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Elbow Bump
Hey FEATHERS!!…..OMG!!….leave it you to deliver this kind of informative narrative piece.....and a scary one too!!…..I miss reading your stuff.....ALWAYS so pertinent.....this is the VERY first I've heard of this, I didn't even know such a thing was possible.....and the idea that it is arriving at this particular moment in time is will make the religious zealots claim its a sign of "End Times".....and the politically motivated will try to use it as leverage for the fundraising ventures!!…...Regardless, a lone poet named SPARROWSONG brought it to us all here...unwrapped, unvarnished, and naked...….speaking only the truth of the matter!!…….ALL STARS!! & PINNED!!…...thanx so much for bringing us this dear poet sister!!…...LOVE & ROCKETS!!…...T xo : )
Hello Tony...
Scary indeed!
I heard if it stings you it feels like a hot tack that goes through you...
The one here didn't fly quick, it was too fat...
It looked like it had plenty to eat before it arrived...
It didn't try to attack but, it was definitely curious...
I don't know why it didn't attack...
Someone I know was stung in the upper arm a few weeks ago...
He didn't see what stung him but, the pain was really bad...
His arm swelled up like a balloon...
It still looks very swollen...
I'm not sure if it might have hit the muscle...
But, it's still very swollen...
You're so right in your comment about religion and politics...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Elbow Bump
i remmber when they told us
about the killer bees that came out years ago
they were just as bad and think they got them
now with this new bee they will get it
i know what its like to get stung by bee
one summer not to long ago i get stung
4 times one my right leg then week later
on my left leg and then weeks later
on my left arm all of them hurt for a 2 days
but i was fine but the one that hurt the wost
was when i was out mowing and it stung
on my face just below my right eye i thout
i was going to die it hurt so bad i was in so much pain
it did swell up bit and hurt for a weeks then i was ok
i hope that never happens agin they will get this
new bee if they dont they will find me oh boy
no thank you
Hello Greg...
I'm so sorry...
When I was about 5 years old I hit a nest with my handle bar trying to Get it outside from my basement...
I didn't know the nest was there and a swarm of Yellow Jackets for me...
I was wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt...
I went running into the house screaming...
I was covered in Bees...
I woke up my Dad which was a big mistake...
My Mom spent hours pulling stingers out of me with tweezers...
She stopped counting stingers after 80 she said we're about 1/2 way there...
She never took me to the Hospital which was probably a good thing...
A few weeks later a boy a little older than me was attacked like I was and he died in the Hospital...
I'm not saying don't go to the Hospital but, there are times that maybe, they just don't know everything...
But, this thing is definitely not something that I would want to get stung by...
They attacked a Bee Keeper with his Bee Suit on and killed him...
They have a thing they do that attract other Asian Giants...
It's quite amazing and scary of the reading about them I have done...
Definitely not something to read about before you go to bed...
Thank you for your comment!
Stay safe as possible
Elbow Bump
Hello Sis Cherie...
I went to Sunday School from when I was 6 years old to 16 years old...
I went to Adult Bible Study from 20 years old off and on until I moved 2 years ago...
I spent on my own time studying Revelations...
I've been studying Book of Revelations for years...
Things are definitely moving at a much more rapid pace than it has in the past 20 years...
We haven't seen anything yet...
We're only seeing little tidbits of what's to come...
The reasons are very clear...
What is it over 360 times the Word of God says fear not...
The meek will inherit the Earth...
There's going to be a new Earth but, everything old is made new...
We can't be surprised when we understand...
Things have been happening in the World from the day of its birth...
Also understanding that this didn't have to happen...
We made it happen...
We were given clear instructions if we didn't want it to take place...
Ask yourself a question...
How many times have you ignored God's instructions?
We're all guilty, and where the guilty reside there is punishment...
We read it about in the Days of Noah...
Nothing that is happening should surprise those who have been given the knowledge...
To be sure what you saw there are a lot of pictures of the Asian Giant on the internet...
What we should do is see where we are in Revelations what has passed and what's to come...
You just might be surprised just how far in we actually are...
It's never to late to try and slow it down but, as long as we continue doing what we're doing you might as well consider that the Rollercoaster is picking up speed very quickly and going down with no hill going up in sight...
I think Revelations should be a read for everyone...
Not to change them but, for enlightenment and an undeniable awareness...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Elbow Bump
Love n Hugs
P.S. The Bible talks about the computer age...
When we read the Bible back then we didn't understand until we got the first taste of the technology...
We have been in the computer age for quite awhile and there's always new inventions...
There are cameras all over the place now...
It was not always like it is...
More people more problems...
That's why they have to do population control...
The more people the more difficult it is to control them...
Thank you again...
eat that hornet birdie! That is wh a t feathers do! ?