Autumn's Movement

The wings of old autumn have a flux
And their hesitation an old ornate orange-ness
And the wind in their wake
A brusk-ness
Like the scent of old ocean rot
And each new day, opaquely tan colors move
And float down from a ballet above
As earthen doves riding on thermals
That circle the season
With a love reminiscent
The essential nature
And timing
Of rust
As it, most delicately,
Into morning's, icy, dew drops,
That glisten
Ever so shyly
As the shimmer,
Of winter's,
Tony Taylor
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You capture the beauty and the decay of autumn so beautifully in this poem Tony. The wording alights all is the senses.. fantastically done :)
Hey LORNA!!....thanx so much for the kind feedback so eloquently offered!!.....VERY much appreciated dear soul!!...... Hugs-n-Smiles!!...... your friend and admirer!!.......T xo ?☀✴✳♥
I felt like I could close my eyes and be whisked forward into the beauty of autumn and was surrounded by it...autumn is my favorite season and what I love to do is drive up into the mountains and get to where I can see all the changing colors of the's quite beautiful and the crisp smell and slight chill makes me happy. Great write as always :) Pinned and all stars!
Hey LILY!!.... Yes!! ~ It's my favorite season too!!......I like your idea of getting way up in the mountains to view the foliage in its entirety ~ VERY cool!!..... many of my favorite memories revolve around sharing a day or a weekend with a friend or significant other as we soak up the amazing colors of this time of year..... and also the smells are so different from the rest of the year......thanx SO MUCH for the outstanding comment dear poet sister ~ I am such a fan of your presence on Cosmo..... it's a powerful almost palpable presence you have with the way you present and wield words!!...... stay groovy!!.......ttyl.......T xo ?☀✴✳♥
Another amazing piece Tony. I felt I could actually sense the change in the season all around me. Xx
Cool!!.....I appreciate it LUCY!!.....I know we have work to do..... I'll be with you shortly!!...... Big smiles!!.......T xo ?☀✴✳♥
Hello Tony...
I'm not ready...
The mornings are getting chilly and I don't want to turn the heat on so I can still open the door and...I
It's still warmer outside...
Fall doesn't last long here...
I don't want to have to start getting my Winter gear out yet...
When metal freezes it doesn't like letting me go...I
Great write!
Thank you for sharing...
Hugs and Smiles!
Love and Rockets!
Hey FEATHERS!!.....thanx for the groovy comment..... some of it I didn't quite understand......"when metal freezes?" ~ what's that all about?..... but I can relate...... yesterday I went out expecting it to be rather cool out, but when I got outside the humidity had made it VERY warm outside!!..... go figure.... crazy weather!!...... anyway, thanx again my friend!!!...... Hugs-n-Smiles!!.....T xo ?☀✴✳♥
T... Oh this is wonderful...such vivid imagery! The fading autumn is like fading passion. Once so red with desire...then...subtly...a soft wind...the leaves begin to pale to brown and crack and shatter against the window pane as the wind has become insistent...a whisper of chill in the air...and your eyes must remember before the snow blinds the earth.
Yay!!.....Thanx VAL!!.... it is SO good to have you back on the pages.....I do SO look forward to the back and forth between your upcoming writes!!......thanx again for this...... stay amazing!!........ Hugs-n-Smiles!!......T xo ?☀✴✳♥
Hi Tony, great write, filled with powerful imagery/// the beauty of autumn yet everything is dying// the leaves are falling, colours changing, swaying and forth falling gracefully to the ground like a ballet dancer swaying her arms and beautiful body movements.
Wow LEAH!!..,. what a poetic comment!!..... it's always amazing to me what transpires in the mind of those who truly appreciate poetry!!......I thank you dear poet sister for the truly thoughtful commentary!!...... your friend and admirer.....T xo ?☀✴✳♥
Hello Tony...
To answer your question the best I can...
I'm on a Ranch in the country in the high mountains...
There's a lot of metal here and the ground can get real slick with ice under the snow so your reflex tells you try to grab hold of something and I don't always wear gloves because sometimes, gloves doesn't work all the time when you try to do something...
When metal gets real cold you can stick to it and it hurts...
I didn't mean to confuse you...
Hugz and Smiles!
Love and Rockets!
WOW!! ~ I had no idea FEATHERS!!...... that's crazy!!.....I don't think I'd like to go through that every winter!!.....I Love to ski (I can't anymore) so that's the most cold weather I like to endure!!..... but getting your hand frozen stuck to metal!!...OUCH!!!.....anyway, STAY WARM girlfriend...... and remember your gloves!!...... Hugs-n-Smiles!!.....T xo ?☀✴✳♥