People are angry and want what they want...
They want the Country to open back up...
They want to get back to work...
They want their normal living back...
Many people are doing their part...
Are we prepared to back slide and give this deadly virus free reign to create even more chaos which would lead to many more deaths?
The Virus isn't dead...
Sacrifices people have made would be futile especially, if we have to do it all over again only with much more restrictions set in place...
People are protesting to open the Country back up...
I would rather do it right in the first place then be at risk again because, people are in a major rush...
The moment people will be free to travel, that virus will be coming like a Bullet Train set on full throttle...
People want they want...
Just not everyone is ready to die...
Please do the right thing Mr. President and the people, there wasn't enough equipment for the need to help people survive...
There definitely won't be enough if the infected multiplies by ten and multiplying the dead...
We're all going to die of something, I would prefer some options...
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I agree with you ...people are so stupid, Trump up to his tricks...but it's no better here in the UK...government are deliberately letting it spread while pretending to lock down...any shop selling a pasty is still open, buses and taxis still running, bike shops open, factories, construction's a joke and all the while advising against facemasks and cooking the books regarding the death toll. It's all smoke and mirrors...a 99 year old hero walking his garden to raise millions for the NHS while the government won't supply PPE to front line staff... at least they are honest about the intention in US!!
i despair...hugs ?
Amen SPARROWSONG!!…..we need you in the highest ranks.....making decisions for us all my friend!!…..A VERY insightful piece of poetic prose!!…..I am so glad to see you back on the pages.....Haven't seen you for quite some time!!….I hope all is well with you and yours!!…..I am your cyber-friend and admirer......T xo : )
Hi Sparrowsong,
I don't live in America but I do not agree with Trump. It seems that peasents lives are long as the economy keeps rolling.
Stay safe - Syd xo
Hello Marion...
People are angry at Trump because, he won't open the Country up...
He's considering so people can back to work...
But, I don't agree...
I think it's much too soon...
We need to bring the U.S. Medical Manufacturing out of China and return to the U.S.
We depend too much on China and I think that's definitely where we messed up...
China certainly isn't going to admit they're wrong doing...
How people don't see the virus was manufactured...
One report says it's was the Market...
They kept the outbreak to themselves for weeks before reporting it...
They didn't want to report it and if it wasn't for the Doctor before he died I don't think we would know what we know...
If Trump is on China's side maybe, he should move to China...
He says he wants our Companies back here...
He can't sit on the fence on this saying China, U.S. China, U.S. It's not going to work...
If it was the Market then why is the Superman in China saying it leaked out by accident?
No it didn't...
That was no acc...
If it was they would have reported it immediately...
They can not admit to Biological Warfare...
That Doctor is the Hero in all of this...
We're asked to pray for the World...
I think we need to pray for intelligence of the good kind and Justice for All...
Best wishes and blessings to your Home across the Miles my friend...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Elbow Bump
Marion, I tried to fix it twice Superman is supposed to be SuperLab...
I'm hoping it worked that time...
Hello Tony...
I'm sure you know that if I was making decisions for us all there would have been a lot less deaths and we could have killed the virus here a lot sooner but, it would taken every single person to cooperate...
The way it is now it's going to come back with a vengeance...
I'm fine, glad you're well too...
Best wishes and blessings!
Elbow Bump
Hello Sis Cherie...
We have been through this for Centuries...
Proof we don't really get smarter we just a robot of what we're taught...
An experiment which failed in some ways for a minute but, it's not over by a long shot...
The outcome is going to be something that no one is planning for...
If this doesn't get us they're not going to let all those Coffins that Obama purchased sit empty...
You did hear what they're doing with the bodies right?
Stacking them on top of each other in the Refrigerators...
People aren't even allowed to get within 6 feet or more of a burial site they can't even see their loved ones in person before they die...
I have been so torn about being right when people would tell me I'm wrong and I'm crazy and I don't know what I'm talking about and more than anything I really wish I could tell them I was wrong...
It's so far from over We have only barely touched the surface with this thing...
I wonder about the Zombies...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Best wishes and blessings!
Stay safe
Elbow Bump
Hello Syd...
I could see the same thing across the Globe...
Isn't that how it is in many Countries?
Trump doesn't want to reopen the Country yet, because he knows this is working as far as that not more people have been infected...
I don't know many people who could put with what he has and before this the Economy was strong people just didn't want to admit it...
You're right you don't live here you're just listening to the Bulk of the Bull of the haters...
Haters will always hate...
Trump is very upset this is happening he doesn't want the Citizens dying if he did he could do it in a minute and we wouldn't be going through this trying to avoid getting infected...
He could say ok that's it's over...
Cult leaders have done it with their followers...
You think a President couldn't wipe out his Country and leave?
I think you highly underestimate what any one in power can do...
We're still not the least bit thankful to be alive...
That's so sad to me...
Thank you for your comment and support!
Elbow Bump
great write feathers
I heard a man on the radio giving an interview recently, he was from Florida, he was spouting bullshit about how "president" trump is the greatest man Alive, how he is doing a great job and him and his family pray for him every night. This is the kinda stuff I see in North Korea, he is a dictator. At the click of his fingers he has whole states protesting over necessary lockdown regulations, what the fuck is going on over there?.
Perfectly put! There are so many ignorant people in this world but the strong will power through
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ deserves 10 stars! I was only saying this morning how people are getting fed up with staying in etc.. I am also missing seeing my two eldest kids ...but I dont because we need to stay strong..keep away.. be careful..until we have a vaccine (or cure). Staying in and isolating can be tough ...but the alternative is by far and away much worse.
Great write Sparrowsong and one full to the brim with common sense.
I hope your son is okay, by the way x
Hello Greg...
Thank you very much for your comment and support!
Elbow Bump
Best wishes and blessings!
Hello Gerard...
I can only wonder how Biden or anyone would have done things differently...
Maybe, just let more people get infected...
It's not an easy choice to shut the Economy down...
The Government here depends on hard working tax paying people...
They're having to pay people to stay home...
The money people are saying isn't enough but, they're getting a lot of other breaks as well...
This virus isn't going away...
We've only managed to slow it down before it got a lot more people in its first round...
People will be traveling soon enough around the Globe once again who many could be infected...
Round 2 that's gonna be the one that's there's nothing that they'll be able to do because, once everything is opened back up he won't be able to shut it down unless, he next time demands the proper and extreme measures...
Our concern should be global not one man who isn't running every Country...
The World is is suffering and people are blaming it on one person...
That's ridiculous...
I don't know what anyone would do it if they could even do it better...
There are all kinds of programs that are helping people, I hope it's in every Country that is facing all the same heart aches and loss, and people everywhere fighting for their lives...
Haters will always hate...
Thank you for your comment and support!
Best wishes and blessings!
Elbow Bump
Hello Simon...
It definitely is quite a test...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Best wishes and blessings!
Stay safe!
Elbow Bump
Hello Being Me...
Not people are even thinking about round 2...
The vaccine isn't going to be available before things open up again but, everyone's telling to open the Country back up...
As long as there are new cases and people are still dying everyday the thing people should doing is being thankful because it could have been a lot worse...
Again round 2 will be coming as soon as highly infected areas open up and people will be leaving those areas in Multitudes and going wherever...
I don't know about my Son, he text me a couple of weeks ago and since then they got hit real bad with the virus and they shut everything down...
If you're not medical or a Truck Driver you can't even get fuel for your vehicle...
They don't want people driving...
Some of the fast places with Drive-Thru shut down completely...
They've been losing 100 people everyday...
People are demanding the President to open up the Country...
As soon as I know something I will let you know...
He still hasn't recovered from the Hit and Run either and they still haven't got the person...
Hit and Runs should go down quite a bit with a lot less vehicles on the road but, it's a big problem here...
Thank you for your concern and kindness!
It means so much!
Stay safe!
Best wishes and blessings!
Elbow Bump
Elbow bump, dear Sparrowsong ...and prayers ? ⚘ x