Beyond The Veil......................................................................Dedicated to Kaitlyn

Mansions ahead on the right,
Distances traveled appear to be slight.
Respond to the sentinel's poignant request,
Have you put forth and given your best?
Did you live for the moment, or for someone other?
Aspire the Atonement and lift up your brother?
Glorious vistas and wonders around,
Possible powers and a glistening crown!
Why would you settle on this side of the veil?
For progression is little and everything pale!
Forever families and beacons of light,
Sprinkle the cosmos and stream out of sight.
Worlds without end; passing the never,
Conquer within and surpassing forever!
We come full circle; one eternal round,
Where love and happiness always abound!

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Brilliant Cosmo write my poetic penfriend pinned ❤️💙❤️
You are too good to me Jill! thank you!
Brilliant, Jim. Love it! X
Being Me ! you have some great poems I admire! you and this group of writers honor me with your consideration! Thank You ! ..................Jim
Hey JIM!!....a fine piece of poetic verse.....delving into human nature and the wonder and awe of the universe......Taking a peek "Beyond The Veil"......compelling stuff my friend!!.......ALL STARS!!.....LOVE & ROCKETS!!.....T xo : )
After seeing your writes on this topic, I couldn't wait to show you I ponder many of the same topics! I wrote this a long time before I had ever heard of the Funnel ! Fun stuff! thank you so much Tony!.................Jim
I love it! Cosmos and the universe my favourite things! Px💜
So glad you love it Pratibha! does my heart good!...............Jim
“Where love and happiness always abound”
yet be a nice place.
well written! 👍🏼
To be quoted by you is an honor! thanks John!........................Jim
Greg I consider your work wonderful with this group and am humbled! Thank You!...............Jim
Good write, Jim! Some people might think differently on
Of course it actually depends on the definition of "Worlds" ;))
Lots of people think differently! what a diverse just this world is! thanks Yiyan............Jim
Nice write Jim! Sorry I nearly missed it! Kind regards your friend Max
Thank You max! is Sydney due north of you?...................Jim
Truly beautiful write Jim with some deep meanings...enjoyed 💕
Thank You Marion! I cherish compliments from great writers!.................Jim
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Thank You Liliana! I like the Beatles also! ..............Jim
The soul is eternal, the body just a short abode for it. Very well and effectively put with the picture to go along
Thank You John for your support! in my belief we are eternal spirit children of a Heavenly Father given a mortal body and that combination is the soul of man. To be reunited with the body in an immortal state as a free gift in the resurrection, and eternal life the possible abode with Heavenly Father again. Thank you so much for reading!.....................Jim
Thank You for the support Hj !
Thank you so much Cherie! I hope I didn't disrespect you in my response to your last poem! I was being a funny guy which almost always gets me in trouble these days! I think you're a great writer and hope you go on and achieve all your dreams!......................Jim
I really enjoyed your poem. Your writing is flawless and words chosen with mastery and beauty. Joe
Wow! I will always cherish that wonderful compliment! It is an honor just to be able to be a part of this group of talented and gifted artists!.............Jim
Hi Jim
Everytime I look up at the stars I'll think of this brilliant write, universe, life and togetherness all in one
👏👏👏👏👏👏 Great stuff
Thank You Keith one of my sisters said it was her fav and she read before going to bed ,so I had it printed on a pillow. Made a great gift!lol! thanks for reading my stuff! Jim!
What a brill idea, you might need to stack up on pillows then 😂 I try and read as much as I can but like everyone it's so time taking to catch up, so when I get a spare hours I sit with a beer and play catchup, and there's some real talented people on cosmo yourself included sir
Thank You , means a lot from you! can't wait and tune in! i,ve got some family trials right now, my sister just came out of scheduled brain surgery and I'm waiting to hear the results, she is awake! thanks again! My sister is recovering well! I dedicate this poem to both of my sisters without whom I would have failed! LOVE YOU!
Thank You again Ashley!
Thank You bunches sparrowsong!
Honored Gregg!
Thank You Hj !