Body in a Mirror

Body in a mirror turning heads and breaking glasses holding sand for every hour spindling the fabric which is my skin to age this body. Really, I am just energy concealed in flesh. I move in consciousness constantly, but constantly lately I have found peace in being the body in a mirror turning heads breaking glasses holding a caterpillar. I am no different from a caterpillar, but caterpillar just got its wings faster. A fat baby just eating and sleeping, a very hungry caterpillar.Teenage years I close the door to my room to be alone, a caterpillar concealed in a cocoon. Going through the struggle of depression as caterpillar try to pry open it’s cocoon. I finally found the strength to go out smiling as a butterfly flutters beside me.Â
I needed a Dr when Martin told me what Luther did to the King. At Kings’ funeral Rosa gave me flowers she picked from her park and said these are beautiful by any means necessary after Malcolm comes X with a speech that rocked the black nation steady. The Dr told me about a man named Sebi I should meet. Just speak to a man named Alfredo and bring a Bowman. We will be rowing a boat to see the Man about A body in a mirror turning heads and breaking glasses holding everything I will ever need to exert chi energy existing within me, plants and other beings using forms of meditation when the Sun is replaced with moonlight. Peaceful semi-silent night. Crickets chirping in grass around a pond where frogs leap on lily pads as soft taps of drizzling rain hit the grass releasing a pleasing fresh nature aroma in the air and the lungs in my chest as I write this poem about the body in a mirror turning heads and breaking glasses releasing all the hope I have that you will understand what I just did.Â
Lately, my mind has been pondering on something. Us, as in Humans, just thinking about it whenever I open my eyes I notice I come from the conscious within into the reality world my minds has programmed for me to live. You know what I think this is? This whole life experience is a virtual field developed by the subconscious mind for a being like me to exist. The universe is just bored of just being what it is so, it decided to create galaxies and worlds to have a human experience with, to go out and see it’s creations, and either destroy it, or build over it, and also create multi different life forms. The universe is US, we are not part of it, we are it and the rest of us in our skies all day and night. We are whole, We are always looking at each other from different perspectives. To them we look like star and to us they look like a star! .Â

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Love the poem and many of the ideas, not so much on some of the conclusions because of my beliefs. However your path in the poem is wonderful and I enjoyed traveling down it!, Great write....Jim.