
It hurts that things don't always work out
When you've destroyed the walls around your heart
when you've left yourself vulnerable
to those feelings of attraction
Hoping that with luck
you'll get some action
You keep in contact with him
Your ex
you say its because you want to be friends
your heart says its because you still love him
It hurts when he speaks about things
That you urged him to do
but he wasn't arsed to do them with you
He talks about his friends
the ones you haven't even been introduced to
This pisses you off
But your heart is too weak to speak out
Speak out about that pissed off feeling you feel
every time you talk to him
Speak out about you not being over him
you kinda wanting him back
But you know deep down
That your heart can't take that
Its too much
You're heart strings have been broken
You want him back
But you know he's been stolen
You try to move on
Socialize more
but then your mind always flips back to
"Why did he leave you?"
"His excuse was stupid"
"But why do you still think about him"
"Never mind, just leave it"
You go day by day
Trying to forget about him
But then he calls you
Asking for sex
For cuddles
You want them too
But you know if you do it
Your mind will get muddled
You don't know how to cope
So you hide in your shell
You don't speak to anyone
You leave your thoughts dwell
You miss his cuddles
the ones that staved off the nightmares
You haven't gotten a wink of sleep since you broke up
The thought scares you
Being dependent on someone
To feel loved
When you don't even love yourself
Is a dangerous act
Sometimes you don't even date for love
You date to stave off the loneliness
To feel whole again
To not cry yourself to sleep again
But that never lasts
But you never learn your lesson
Its a never ending cycle
You're gonna do your heart in

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