The Captial G.
What is God?
Many still ask this question
And so it gives me pleasure
to be the lucky little Nite Dawg
that - like a Merry-fuckin'-Christmas -
has the answer
(and it's a tad bit more than 42)
First off
God does not have a pecker
so you can throw out He
when you describe It
Second off
God does not have a pussy
so you can throw out She
when you describe It
And when I say It
I mean God
Though I claim God has neither a pecker, nor a pussy,
I also claim that a pecker or a pussy
could not exist without It
God ain't Jealous, as proclaims that idiot book
called Exodus
and to say that It is
is to bring The Imagination of the Universe - the very Mind that brought this planet and your flesh into being - down to the level of a grade school teenager
(You may have gathered by now, I'm not a big fan of the Old Testament)
God does not hate queers, bi's, Muslims, Mormons, Jews, Rastafarians,
Catholics, Lutherins, and don't forget Episcopalians; God does not hate, It just creates, and nothing besides
God doth reside in Heaven
But you know where else
God doth reside?
One-hunert and twenty-fifth street! ... East Side
and West Side, and everywhere else besides!
God is Love,
and Love is Creation
This is the Mind
that needs no name
Our "Pappy"
Our Mather
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