Poem -

Cherie's Poetry

Cherie's Poetry

From the epiphany,
That is her fluidity
The movement, the calm
The tidal wave that comes
From cherishing another
Brings to me,
"my heart is not haughty
nor mine eyes lofty.."
It is in the recognition
Of her exceptional
That my eyes have been blessed
Just to have glimpsed
Her God-light
That, which first spoke to me
Of her movement
And just how intensely
Her soul
Like the orchids
Deep within
Heaven's pastoral brushstrokes
By divine painters
And cherubic archers
Who point
To her poetry of motion
My heart,
With the arrows
Of true Love's,

Tony Taylor

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Dean Kuch

I hope it's always like that for the both of you, Tony. I really do
But, based on my experiences with love and matters of the heart, I don't hold much stock in it.
Sorry, I'm just being honest.
The newness will eventually wear off. The white hot fire will dwindle and wane.
And you'll find yourself blowing on the dying embers just to create a spark.
Nah...just kidding.
You'll both be fine.
~Dean Kuch  ?????

Tony Taylor

Wow! DEAN!!.... that sucks bro!!..... so sorry to hear you feel that way!!... but..... hey the world sucks, for the most part..... the beauty lies in the intervals, memories, faith, spirituality, and the eyes capable of seeing the future...... for most certainly, if you or I had designed this reality it wouldn't be like this!!.... too much pain, suffering, bullshit, political backstabbing, betrayal, rape, murder, and basic jealousy..... but..... Cherie and I became involved 4 years ago.... and the intensity of it is still on the upswing... perhaps after the wedding it will even out....... but I think the fact that we are both beyond 40 years old gives a kind of edge that will be worth exploring for years to come..... I could be wrong...,,,but I'm a BELIEVER ......who knows bro...... ANYTHING'S possible!!....thanx for the honesty my friend...... it's rare!!.... peace n stuff!!.....T xo ??✴❤❤✴?✴❤❤

Wayne Stubbs

Beautiful Tony, just beautiful! Dream away my friend, this is a special kind of love you speak of, enjoy it brother and sister! And keep tearing the pages up both of you! Well expressed Tony ☮? brother! ?

Tony Taylor

Thanks WAYNE!!......I promise...... this love of ours will not be torn asunder.....the words WILL keep flowing regardless!!...... you're awesome.....,, much appreciated dear poet brother!!....... smiles......T xo ??✴❤❤✴?

Nardine Sanderson

Such a deep sentiment reading this
you convey your love just fine
What a beautiful poem on how Cheries words enter your heart to dance with your soul ❤️
Love you both so much xox

Tony Taylor

Hi, thank you Big Sis!!.... you're so right...,. she does enter my heart and dance with my soul!!..... and not infrequently!!...... so glad you're here dear poet sister!!...... much Love to you!!.......hugs-n-smiles!!........your friend and ever-admirer!!.....T xo ??✴❤❤✴?


Hi mr taylor this is beatifull . 
heaven's pastoral brushstrokes my favorote line. I never heard like that before.. Its a something i wish a girl said to me .Accorse without the
feminism part? that type of poetry is wat i wanr to achieve. . rwally its easy to tell a lover from a fighter.. Thanks for sharing it with us.  ? bless

Tony Taylor

Thanx so much for this JOEY!!.....I like that line too.... and if a girl says something like that to you then she's definitely a keeper for real!! LOL!!.....thanx again for this my friend...... Love to you and yours!!.....T xo ??✴❤✴?

Larry Ran

Dear Tony,

The canvas of her poetry
Glows with the sunshine of her Soul
Every word a perfect brushstroke
As the "peinture" becomes a whole

I place it on my easeled heart
I ingest its beauty every day
In it lies a hidden message
That love's perfection has come our way

Peace, Love, and Masterpieces,
Larry xxx

Tony Taylor

Dear poet brother LARRY!:~
First, you've given me a new word..... how I Love it when that happens ~ "Peinture"....school me man..... all I could find was 'canvas' but somehow I don't believe that was your intent...... aside from that....... you are such a f___in' breath of fresh air!!...... thank you for this very well crafted retort (if you will) ???....and for taking the time to truly understand what I was attempting to convey!!..... my Love to Linda and yours!!...... peace n stuff!!!.....T xo ??✴❤✴?


Keith Stubbs

Hi Tony
still playing catch up and just read 'cheries poetry'
such warmth and truth their my dear friend. Such words that give you goosebumps and from your heart no doubt. Sorry it's taken me so long to read  your poems brother, bit I'll get there one day. Keep it up fellow poet..love and hearts man ???

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