And what right do you have to call me a racist
When its you who hates everything I am
You can't see what I see, living in your protected haven
Just leave me alone and accept me for who I am
You have no right to pass judgement on me.

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A child doesn't see race or colour, they just see another child to play with. Its a shame sometimes that we have to grow up, that we can't remain as a child.
AMEN to that!!.....It is ignorance that is ever the spark......the spark that ignites the flames of violence......Thank you SO much for sharing this CHRISTOPHER!! is VERY well delivered....and its final line is the profound truth......ALL STARS!! & PINNED!!......these are the small steps required dear poet brother!!......well done.....LOVE & ROCKETS!!......T xo : )
Thanks, Tony. I'm only new to this. Some of my poems i've had for 35 years but never shared them with anyone, thinking they are not good enough. I' m terrible at spelling and grammar.