Audacity heroism bravery guts and Fearlessness
Daring determination endurance and firmness
Courage can be described in many words and expressions
Like a hero running into a burning building leaving an impression
The act that enables a person to face difficulty without fear
To act in accordance with one’s belief in spite of criticism and is clear
The word itself is powerful, full of strength and inspiring
But just like the cowardly Lion in the wizard of Oz many would be perspiring
Facing reality of fear, pain, grief insecurities and truth
Running away from your own shadow even as an adult child or youth
Apply courage in your life to stand tall and be free
Acknowledging your strength and will not have to flee
Having self-confidence to believe in yourself and know who you are
Conviction being passionate about value and beliefs it’s as real as a star
Integrity knowing the difference between right and wrong
Leadership-aren’t deferred by adversity or what people may think; their strong
Having compassion putting other people’s needs ahead of their own
Courageous people are change master stepping out of their comfort zone
Embracing the unknown following their intuition
Courageous people put their money where their mouth is there on a mission
Being courageous doesn’t mean you always have to fight
Sometimes it means, knowing when to surrender and doing what feels right
To be courageous you have to be willing to swim against the tide
 To go against the flow despite on what’s around; one can be terrified
So be bold, be strong and find the your strength within
It’s not always easy to have courage but just believe and begin

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