Currency; The Waters Will Insists

Tremendous mountainous heaps
Of murdered seconds and hours, so innocentĀ
Stacked corpses piling clear up to the ceilingĀ
Wasted failing to grasp or even conceive the greed of others and reasonings thereby for it.
Is a pure human motive,
true selflessness, genuine in gesture..
Even possible!!
I'd certainly have labeled myself insane vs question such things further were it not for my own knowledge of self.
Once called the root of all evil
So aptly alluding to the covetousness embodying that rootĀ
To the name caller unafraid to be more blatant.
Or perhaps more astute, but that's of no matter.
all wishing to proclaim their facade as a generous one agree by word for necessity of charity
But of all who claim it who can live it?
Of all who think they live it, who can analyze their motives earnestly and without bias and be found of intent without blemish?
I've endured my share of struggles aside the rest of humanity
But for each individual life, there is an individual pinnacle opposite
A season of trudging through the sludge of life's put in a way that though you may lie before living it
Once living it, it asserts itself as the bottom.
I was a good person by most standards, intent was always earnest. Ā
I gave when fear released the grip on me enough to feel I could spare
I cared and overlooked circumstance when others wanted to coform to bandwagon social constraints.
For all my goodness, homelessness.
Its in those empty, gaping, vast nothings of emotion that quelch all drive, hope, or reasoning
That a person truly finds a fearless indifference of anything inferred, and a seeming lack of care of gratitude which only serves to perpetuate this infesuously evil state of being.
The onset isn't immediate of course
There is a fight or flight season one resists reality with all their being
But it's upon the sheer statistical anomaly in the multitudes of misfortune that one may glean the realization of divine purpose, and petty human futileness in resisting it.
Looking back on those days I can't help but take note of the arrogant fact that sits so prominetely atop the many truths of the situationĀ
Other people, are simply, sadly, so thoughtless..
I imagine it to be a defense mechanisk
Perhaps my imagination is my own coping strategy
Regardless what can be known is that we all, without exception stereotype by class, and compare classes to self.
Generally accepted, is the notion that someone homeless, enduring that burden, exists less human than the onlooker.
Perhaps they have addiction, or alchohol, or demons of various nature, that brought this upon them
We so ignorantly formulate such thoughts instantaneously and invisibly.
Maybe, if we simply believe they deserve it somehow, we medicate ourselves to the harshness of the world
It's a band-aid at best that only makes us all the more sick for it!
Not you though, you have compassion!
You frequently (that is to say, one out of ten instances give or take)Ā
Donate to the homeless out of the enormity of your heart?
That's likely why life is so kind to you
Generously pours out a median income family's average income in annual salary for you!
Because you give ten dollars to ten percent of the homeless you feel compelled to feel something toward. Ā
I was was fortunate not to have to stand at street corners and beg before life's lessons unfolded and blessings abound.
If I had, and we'd encountered one another
I'd likely have taken your ten dollars and purchased alchohol or drugs with it.
Just to even for a small moment, escape from the rugged tortures of existence in such a wretched state.
If, you'd only seen me indulging myself in such escapism
Why, that would be most awful!
Then you'd conclude that all homeless people simply are where they should be, ungrateful, and wasting the bountiful blessing you bestow them, and ultimately ended your charity work thereafter.
Terrible thing!
Then think of those poor ten percent who would miss out on that momentary escape of the harshness of reality through your considerate hospitality!
Economics is a currenct
It's called such because just as a river current flows, it has massive, insistent force behind it.
Those who designed it know how to exist harmoniously with the currentĀ
Those who struggle have not been properly taught because those most perplexingĀ
Treacherous ones entrusted have coveted such simple secrets.
So gluttonous in their own desire for envy they've grown weary in the night as the enemy approaches camp.
In one precise, highly coiled, POUNCE
The whole system is conquered and used against those abusing it worst.
The Tao's will is always imposed.
The genius of idea conception has already birthed the plan immateriallyĀ
And left it floating in time space for whatever capitalists brilliance should so happen to seize and act upon it.
Oh yes!Ā
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