Dear Scott,
I can't wish you happy birthday in my usual way...
I can't give you a funny card with the little quirks...
I can't hear you say...
Very funny Sis!
The way you would call me a brat...
I would laugh and tell you...
I thought it was funny!
Mom telling me to stop teasing you it's your birthday...
You would say...
Listen to Mom...
That would make me laugh even harder...
Sometimes, it feels like twenty-six ago...
I didn't know it would have been the last...
Sometimes, it feels like a day...
Is it the memories that play in my mind to make me feel that way?
Happy Birthday Scott!
Give Mom, Grandma and everyone a hug and a kiss for me?
I know you're thinking...
We aren't siblings by choice...
We are siblings by chance...
You will always be my big brother...
You will always be in my heart...
Carry on brother...
I miss you...
I love you...
Your baby sis...
I can't send you a message in a card...
I can only send it from my heart...
With love,
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Hello Richard...
Thank you very much for your HUG!
Wow!! ~ FEATHERS!!...... what a fantastic read that was!!..... truly compelling, with humor, and words that could make you cry as well.....I can relate to this SO WELL....... what a loving kindness you've created here....... Like Richard, I wanna give you a HUG too!!...... way to be cool girlfriend....... your friend and admirer!!........T xo
Hello Tony...
Thanks for the hug...
Glad you liked this...
Thank you for always kind words and support...
Hello Sis Cherie...
We had our sibling rivalry when we were young...
I loved my brother...
With his illnesses it was extremely difficult at first...
The knowing what or when he would snap...
How far he would go...
I had learned along time before that...
Don't panic when you're faced with a weapon...
Many things I got to learn early...
If that's your time it'll be over soon one way or the other...
If it's not?
It's not...
The Doctor's tried many different types of medications with him...
When you give a mental patient too much...
All having different effects for each person...
When he died...
There was over 100 prescribed medications all to be taken at different times my Dad and I had to cleat out of his room...
To be taken with food or not with food...
Three times a day...
One a day...
Four times a day...
When needed...
When noone will listen to someone outside the medical field...
It can bring you to a grave...
Thank you for your kind comment...
Hello Sis Cherie...
I meant the not knowing when...
There were so many unknowns...
If unknowns were a swimming pool?
We would still be swimming...
Love n hugs...
Hi sorry about your brother. The poem made me cry. Brought back lots of memories. Thanks for sharing.
Lots of love....Rose
Hello Sweet Rose...
I am sorry I made you cry...
If it makes you feel any better...
I am crying too...
Not just for me though...
One day the only tears we cry will be just happy ones...
I am sorry for your pain Sweet Rose...
Together we will be alright...
Thank you for your kind words...
Hi Sparrowsong
Sorry about your brother. Thank you so much for sharing your work. Loved reading and can feel the emotion
Sana xxx
Hello Sana...
If he was still alive he would have been 61 years old today...
From the time he was about 25 years old that's when he began to really show his changing...
It was a difficult 9 years...
Just writing that timeline...
It was a long 9 years...
But, it wasn't though...
Maybe, because it started when I was about 13 years old...
Thank you for very kind comment and support!
Thank you for being there!
WOW sprrowsong great poem a hug from me xxoo
Hello Greg...
Thank you very much for your encouraging comment...
Thank you for the hug...
I am sharing all the birthday hugs with him in my mind and my heart...
Hi Sparrowsong so sorry for the loss of your
brother but a lovely Happy Birthday greeting to
him you have written a hug from me Debs xo
Hello Sis Debs...
Thank you very much!
Unfortunately, he couldn't get the help he needed...
He was a walking time bomb and someone passed him to have a gun...
The strange thing about that before he got ill...
He never thought about having a gun...
The last five or six years of his life...
I seriously didn't know if he would shoot someone and he'd be killed or...
Get killed because he had it or...
Just kill someone...
He pulled the gun not just on me...
I was the last person he did I believe...
If he had gone to jail...
He wouldn't have known why he was there...
If he had shot anyone...
He wouldn't know he did it...
No one outside of us would have believed him...
People are getting killed for having a gun that don't even have...
I prayed and I prayed hard about my brother's situation...
It was the best answer for all of us...
My parents didn't agree with me...
My brother could have lived longer with the right help, but...
It wasn't his fault and I do love him and I do miss him...
If I were to put blame on those responsible for what happened to him...
I would have put everyone in a room from #1 all the way down...
Then show them their ending result...
But, noone would take responsibility...
Thank you for the birthday hug for him and your kind message...
Hello Soul Sis...
To my Scott?
Good thing you didn't say that in front of my mother...
She would have said that's my Scott...
Yes my brother...
I think of him often...
Like a lot of us the hand he was dealt to understand a little bit you had to know his personal struggles...
Thank you for your sweet comment...
Purple luv and hugs xo :)
Hello Soul Sis...
You don't have to apologize...
I thought it was cute and funny...
Thank you for the smiles my friend!
Purple luv and hugs xo :)
Thank you for the nomination of this write...
Happily Surprised!!
Hugs to you all...