Diary note. June 2021

June, 20th, 2021
"Thats not youuuu!!!" new hidden hitler says. We have found him. He behaves like a child. He feels like me right now. Making phone calls and more. When i was ghost drugged in April i have been told by him throigh his microphone that i was a monster. That what i was seeing in my mirror was not true. Special mirror. People could see me as a monster. And my selfies were edited so i could see myself still. Tja..
CatFISHed. By new hitler. Who kills beauty. Mostly we dont survive lasering, magnetism, weathermanupulation, and more. I can here tell what new hitler does to humanity. I am a witness of everything almost. Crazy. Hi. Being 25. My love is been killed out by him from a distance. Now even not allowed to be with family since a long time. Or recieve phonecalls. Or talk to friends on whatsapp. Facebook. He does it for me. While i dont use whatsapp at all actually.
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