Poem -

Does anyone know how you publish a book for free to get into bookshops

Please help me.

Does anyone know how you publish a book for free to get into bookshops

Hi there, my names James Bevan, from Shotley gate, Suffolk, UK, and I'm a terminally ill, full time, disabled single dad to 3 amazing boys. And currently the longest ever survivor of skin, bone and lung cancer in the world still terminal with stage 4 cancer and on palliative care now 24 years and counting! It's unfathomable and as my oncologist says, ''a bloody living miracle''.
Due to not being able to work because of my poor health as bed bound most of the time unless forcing myself out, I struggle massively on benefits and have to borrow money each month for my live saving prescription and thereason I've survived for this long when I should have died with 8 weeks of contracting this insidious disease.
I've already brought my first book out, 'fate is inexorable' by myself, James Bevan and only available on amazon.co.uk, kindle or free on kindle unlimited. It documents my life with cancer, how I've survived and massive compilation of my poetry and lyrics, designed to help anyone, even the most hardened of souls, through any situation in life. Mentally or physically. 
I didn't think though when I brought the book out as I gave all the proceeds to charity. Which in heighnsight I should have really done with my 2nd, 3rd and 4th books! But we live and learn. Only problem now is I can't afford to publish anymore of my highly informative books, which has a knock on affect of me not being able to afford my full prescription meaning that I had to half it recently. Unfortunately, in that time, a new tumour growth has appeared on one of my many lung tumours rather worryingly. I only found out 2 days ago on the 15th of November.
so what I'm trying to ask is if there is a company or kind soul out there with a big heart tha could either help me publish at least my next book for free or sponsor me then it would be priceless to me and my family as it means ill be given extra life by being able to afford my full prescription. 

Please call me on 07523287397 or 01473559535 if you can help. Or email me at kaitizer123@gmail.com please.

Yours extremely hopefully,
James Bevan

17 kitchener way,
Shotley gate,

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Nine Eleven

Hi James, unfortunately I don't know anyone in publishing that could help, I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis, I can't imagine what your going through, your government is not doing enough to support you, it's very unfair. Have you thought about setting up a go fund me page to get the help you need, they can be really helpful, let me know if you have one and I can donate what I can. 

Love and light james



james bevan

My son and his partner aee going to help me tomorrow as unfortunately I'm on oramorph or liquid morphine for pain in hospital still. That and I've tried before but failed. I have a new approach this time to try and catch people's attention by using a poem which I thought would be different? Thank you so much. I will let you know bless you. I hate having to ask for help but my family and even my own mother, who has money, won't help because she's buying a 2nd home at the moment! Does infuriate me as she's not once ever helped me with my books or my private, lifesaving medical prescription... 

Bernadete van d...

It’s all said by Gerard. I’ll follow. 
Sorry to hear about that James. 

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