Doubting God

On doubting God
I am a pro
It seems my reflection
In mirrored holds
Cloaks self-doubting
And fears untold
Why is it so hardened holy
Or pure as blazoned gold
Not knowing God's Love
When truth's apparent
To every passing soul
That knowing God
In daily roles
Is more difficult
Than Central Casting
Where God Is Love
And the person acting
Cannot fool the Creator
For in His Love
There's truth to behold
And to Lie during prayer
Is merely the absence of faith
Where the pure of heart
Are judged on merit
And Not upon
The lies they've told
For God is truth
And Doubting God
Is the unmistakable path
Where true faith
Is found...
Tony Taylor (*a work in progress 2/15)
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nicely written linda
outstanding piece of work, you have a incredible talent
James morris
Thanx JAMES!!..... so glad to see you on my page brother.... appreciate the positive feedback......ttyl....,.peace......T xo ?☀✴✳
Thanx LINDA!!..... appreciate it my friend....... smiles.....T xo ?☀✴✳
On doubting God I am "Proer" (If there is any word like that)...When you go through so much in life, one can't help but doubt if that God you hear and read about really exist...I hear other people's testimony and wonder if we're talking about the same God...Soemtimes I don't seem to understand His plan concerning my life and other times I feel Him so close and wrapped in His Love...Surely there is God and he is in Heaven!!....Enjoyed every word of this Tony...LOVE and ROCKETS!!
I think you invented a new word here ROSE!! (smiles)......thanx so much for sharing this .....I am in total agreement with you my friend!!'re the best ......stay groovy!!......T xo ?☀✴✳♥
I'm so drawn to this Tony! Stay awesome.
Wow!..... where have you been hiding little darlin'?...... so sorry about the lameness of my reply...... hope to see you around the pages!!...... smiles......T xo ?☀✴✳
Hiding behind writer's block. Just waiting for the perfect inspiration. :)
Keep the positivity in your corner my friend...... the impetus will find you...... inspiration has wings...... stay groovy girlfriend!!...... looking forward to it!.... smiles....,T xo ?☀✴✳
Thanx GREG!!..... appreciate it brother poet!!...... smiles.....T xo ?☀✴✳
A long serving priest once said to me, "To not doubt your faith is a disservice to the Creator. Faith in God, science, fate, ourselves should be questioned to find the true path. If God wanted robots who follow blindly without free will, then that's who HE would have put on earth." I admire your ability to use beautiful words to express your spiritual doubts and quest. Great write Tony
Dear LOST!!.... thank you for sharing that story and for helping to keep the fires burning under me...... your generosity with words is inspiring and an honor to have grace my page...... stay well brother...... your cyber-friend and admirer.......T xo ?☀✴✳
My Dear Brother Poet Tony,
In the years of my existence, I have doubted God's relevance;
For my mind had e'er convinced me, that the Bible made no sense!
Written by men enamored, for a idol that was not real;
Science repudiated every sentence, my soul was turned to steel!
But lately I've relented, I have seen the Guiding Light;
I've bowed down in His glory, His wisdom in my sight!
My faith now is unquestioned, the path I choose is real;
It comes with God's approval, His Kingdom's mighty seal!
Peace and Love,
Larry xxx
Amen Brother!!..... it has to feel freeing to be able to write what you feel so readily...... and what you've conveyed here is captivating.....,, it is a voice that so many can relate to..... and it is a generous pat on the back for me..... I thank you once again kind sir.....,for your free flowing eloquence...,,I am your ever-friend and admirer......tony xo ?☀✴✳♥.....0.thanx for this!!
My Dear Brother Tony,
My parents had only two children, myself and my sister. For my whole life, I hungered for a brother. Then, after just a little while on Cosmo, I knew that I had found one, my dear Tony. At last, my quest had ended.
Peace, Love and Rockets,
Larry xxx
Your poem is amazing!!!
So is your comment TERRYLIN!!.....thanx for this...... smiles....T xo ?☀✴✳
Wow, this is highly relatable and just so beautifully conveyed. Very inspiring for a new writer like myself. :)
Thanx so much TAHIYA!!......the positivity is most welcome....... and very much appreciated!!......hugs-n-smiles!!......T xo ?☀✴✳
Great poem i love your work some of the poems you write i can relate to my life trials and errors keep up the good work cause i enjoy your work
Cool!.....Thanx MATTHEW!!...... always a pleasure hearing from you my friend..... so happy to know you enjoy my work brother poet!!...... stay true......tyyl.......T xo ?☀✴✳
Hi Tony, I enjoyed this I think people can lose and gain faith throughout their lives..being judged on what's in your heart not what you say is an interesting thought. Some people who have faith can commit atrocities yet still feel they will be saved...for me..It shouldn't matter what God you believe in or not ..if you were to be judged...your heart tells the truth.
Great poem Tony, although I'm not religious myself. I strongly believe with Lornas reply, religion or misinterpretation of religion can be the cause behind some of the worst atrocities. I'm with Lorna 'your heart tells the truth'
Love & rockets - Syd
Yay!!....thanx SYD!!.....always love to hear from you...... and I appreciate you sharing here my friend...... hope all is well brother!!....... LOVE and ROCKETS!!......T xo ?☀✴✳
Hey LORNA!!......thanx for this......I agree with you....... the truth only works one way...... and everyone internalizes and punishes themselves through their own belief systems..... unless of course they have no moral fiber at all.... anyway, it's always a pleasure my friend.......thanx again!!.......T xo ?☀✴✳