Drunvalo Melchizedek

We should all be thankful to you for those two great books.
You just took a bunch of kids reminded them what’s up.
Yeah! Now we all just going up,
We gon’ light it up, we gon’ show the world what’s up!
Mayan prophecies got us kids across the seas,
Wearing crystals on our necks and in classes getting E’s!
So please, just listen to us; the children.
We are all pilgrims on this journey we call life,
And we all should just try to strive,
Towards connecting with the Father Sky,
And the Mother Earth,
After all it’s she who has given birth to the planet all around you,
And she is the one that grounds you.
So how come you don’t respect her?
Do you really sit there and expect her to show all the loving?
Huh? No love in return from you?
Well, shame on you, she really does truly love you.

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HI  Lukasz  Although i am not familiar with the writing or teachings
of  Drunvalo Melchizedek I understand the heart of your poem
That we do not respect our earth I Â enjoyed this poem and i amÂ
enjoying reading all your works great messageÂ
Best wishes DebsÂ
Thank you! He is a great spiritual teacher, very inspiring. :)Â
Hello Lukasz...
I wasn't familiar with him either...
He sounds awesome!Â
I will check him out..
Great write...
Thank you for sharing...
Hugs and Smiles!Â