Thought locked in a
Vulture circle
Threatening my
Trembling Self
Reaches out to grasp my
Entrapped within my
Mind I
Am besieged by
Fear from all
Thanks. Ā āŗ This is about all those times I think myself into corners, becoming caged by a situation that only exists inside my mind... although I can see how the sentiment can apply to an unhealthy relationship as well
I really like short punchy lines, this is a greatĀ write, days i feel like thus i usually explode, but nowadays instead of trashingĀ me flatĀ or somones face i go to the gym and use a punch sure the punch bags winning tho :)
IMO i dint think you need to ccapitalise every new lline, but is a tiny thing compared to a very powerful write
Sadly, when I am upset, I tend to internalize, unlike you. I'm sure your way of dealing with things is much healthier.
About my tendancy to capitalize every new line... I never really thought about it, it's just something I've always done. Maybe I should try doing things differently. :)
Hi Vikki I have lived this life been from my last marriage trapped with no way out and fear was dominating my every step . Great write hrlĀ
Thanks. Ā āŗ This is about all those times I think myself into corners, becoming caged by a situation that only exists inside my mind... although I can see how the sentiment can apply to an unhealthy relationship as well
I really like short punchy lines, this is a greatĀ write, days i feel like thus i usually explode, but nowadays instead of trashingĀ me flatĀ or somones face i go to the gym and use a punch sure the punch bags winning tho :)
IMO i dint think you need to ccapitalise every new lline, but is a tiny thing compared to a very powerful write
Nice :)
thank you!
Sadly, when I am upset, I tend to internalize, unlike you. I'm sure your way of dealing with things is much healthier.
About my tendancy to capitalize every new line... I never really thought about it, it's just something I've always done. Maybe I should try doing things differently. :)
Be well
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā - Vikki