Poem -



From the book I am writing called INKJET FEATHERPUNCH:


I was on one occasion when I was thirteen, taking a break from my job as a bus boy that I held since I was about nine, and spoke with a friend of my father's Don Hare, who was a rather talented carpenter and who used to frequent my father's restaurant. I was trying to remember the name of a song and I said it was about love. Don asked “aren't they all about love?”. I was floored this was so true, virtually every popular song I could think of was about love. I had never thought of it and I felt so enlightened in that moment, and I have always longed for moments when you see patterns like that and when people help to shape your perception. I realized that writers who want to share about life often in at least some context speak of love because it's a prevalent and main component in our existence. Love is stronger than hate or disconnection and love (perhaps also in some respects duty also) is part of our common purpose. "Love is stronger than all dissociation and disconnection, love is the bridge between purpose and improvement". Let's for a moment take time to explore and qualify in depth what love actually is. May these 11 paragraphs change your life in some way and help you to change the lives of others. I consider the work a kind of poetry merged with philosophy and so am including it here.


To borrow and modify notions of Love as understood from various wisdom conditions and traditions....Love is never fake or insincere, it's genuine and real, as love eagerly does the work of building and maintaining bonds. Love is not selfish, and it is not boastful, though it may be confident, it is not arrogant and pretentious. Love is kind, it is humane, it corrects one's flaws, and compensates for poor approaches and poorly exercised efforts. Love is longsuffering but it does not long to suffer purposelessly. it is not arrogant or dismissive of other's potential, but building on the growth and emergence and preservation of the rights, entitlements and dignity of all of humanity. Love is intelligence, good nature and passion dictating exploration and understanding. Love is imaginative and creative, supportive and thorough in its approach. Love is not mischievous, it does not manipulate or oppress, or degrade. Love carefully corrects and explores effective paths to sharing in benefits and burdens with a sense of inspiration and shared purpose. Love is not tyranny or treachery, or arbitrary powerhungry seditiousness in any form...though love can be revolutionary, it is a revolution in the sense of embodying practical, noble and worthwhile achievements that ward away corruption and abuse. Love embodies virtue by a searching for a balance of power largely, and rewarding the dutiful and worthy, in ways that never overlook their accountability. Love is a tradition that embraces newness and the preservation of things that progress us, and conserves our virtue in interesting ways. Love liberates us pre-emptively much of the time from difficulty, Love is however, also a strong capacity to dissipate chaos and represents intelligent approaches that neither neglects one's own interests or the interests of others. Love perpetuates itself in ways that certainly does not burden oneself with hopeless and wasteful projects, and in that sense love is discerning and evocative of true progress. Love is a certain power to systematically deal with unreasonable attachments through conditioning a certain stoic distance from worthless kinds of connection for such connection only serves to demean our potential to achieve a most valuable kind of balanced moral social standard. Love is principled in the emergence of our liberty, responsibility, and power to select better options, as well as our duty to improve ourselves with the hopes that we can be better contributors to society and enjoy life and endure every necessary strife, in every integral way possible.


Love never proliferates helplessness and hopelessness. Love fosters healthy abilities via interdependence and independence by way of one developing one's skills and being dependable as much as possible. Love is immersed in virtue creation and not the investment into strife and ignorance. Love is not possessive or jealous, it trusts and affirms connection. Love is blind to fear of madness, as love is the root of all true sanity. Love is no victim of avarice and preoccupation with belligerent distractions. Love qualifies the wise, and is an embodiment of what true leadership represents. Love helps the weak out of all difficulties to the extent necessary and does not build unhealthy dependence but instead fosters healthful autonomy as much as possible. Love preserves dignity and honours and fosters freedom that is responsible to preserving the freedoms and fair entitlements of others. Love is sensitive to specifics and balances contexts with pertinence both to purpose and intentions are as well as the results of one's aims. Love does not demonize the innocent. Love does not war arbitrarily with futile aims or invest in aimless perpetual disappointment. Love is not misanthropic, though it may hold people to account. Love is not bound to unreasonable ideals, nor a way of behaving that avoids critiquing the weaknesses of others in order to strengthen them, love in this sense is engaging and positive. Love does not take advantage of others nor leave oneself open to being taken advantage of.


Love is nor excessively poor nor excessively rich, it is opposed to all forms of malignant imbalance, indifference, waste, aimlessness, and misdirection or lies and deception. Love is hope directed to appealing possibilities that do no harm to others in the pursuit of those possibilities actualization. Love is assertive, and able to grow skills for the formation of balance. Love is an institution that is free of bureaucracy yet is immersed in due policy's development of due diligence. Love is not tempted or affected by greed or envy, and is the treatment for all disconnection and disease. Love is not vain, it possesses its own checks and balances and in so doing, it evolves society, creatively, benevolently, explorationaly and experimentally gravitating to the most enduring and dedicated approach toward the prospect of emerging the best of all possible options. Love promotes its virtues without exhausting its values. Love is personal and interpersonal evolution. Love removes belligerence from the conflicted, self neglect and neglect from and toward the abandoned, irresponsibility from the mislead and maldirected. Love in all respects is a sort of balancing out of reward and punishment, and incorporates itself in the emergence of society through establishing rules that are insightful in the cultivation of the human potential for true integrity. Love navigates away from danger when possible to, and does not incriminate or implicate itself melodramatically in distraction and foolish approaches. In this aforementioned way love is a kind of wisdom that preserves human striving and is open to improvement always.


Love incorporates and does not exploit standards. Love corrects instead of condemning, devolves chaos, and distances itself away from worthless aspiration without alienating others in the process. Love is considerate and builds bonds that generally speaking are enduring. Love builds alliances with propriety, and avoids self-pity and despair, love is understanding and not overwhelmed by chaos, but which is resilient through it. True love tests conscience and the degree to which people are considerate, with an understanding of the benefits this creates. Love promulgates and promotes evolution, longevity, peace, virtue, the persistence of integrity, tactically intelligent approaches and the emergence and protection of sincerity and innocence unbounded by ignorance and a lack of duty. Love is harmonious power sharing...love conditions wisdom thus optimally in all people and seeks to incorporate the development of their highest dreams, goals and aspirations. Love is responsible and forthright and clear in its communication and is not mislead by inassertiveness and maliciousness in any form. Love is a right and not an entitlement in the sense of being treated with respect and dignity not solely on the basis of one's contribution, but on the basis of one's being human and deserving of opportunities for improvement. Love is the hero's venture. Love seeks to employ good timing, by warning the mislead, and love works however by listening to their circumstance and is sensitive to necessity in the process based on a scrutiny of one's availability to an array of all reasonably pertaining wise approaches tactics on the basis of reflection and cultivating a rich inner world. Love explores one's potential for good and improves diplomacy with others over time. Love seeks to earn one's living fairly and with dignity. Love is competition in the sense of striving with others.


Love seeks to establish examples of inclusion and highlights these approaches for their innate virtue and intelligent appeal to the power and potential of all members of society. Love does not punish beyond reason. Love does not reduce reason to a panacea for all problems, and love recognizes how we feel is just as important in some respects and in some contexts, as how we think. Love above all holds it is how we act and that it is the doing of the things that affirm our purpose that evolves us as individuals and as a group, as entities as part of a species who have responsibilities and ideologies that shape those responsibilities in the expression of values that are updated as we revise and reform as well as completely revolutionize our methods. Love is the power to produce calm and alarm when necessary, and love is also a kind of generosity based on improving the correct set of approaches one is to use as one gravitates toward the improvement of the human condition. Love is both ideal and practical, as love harmonizes the interests of people with the rights and entitlements of others. Love resists the power to give one single group a monopoly on virtue and order.


Love is founded on a hierarchy of relevant truths and involves some speculation and reflection bound to evaluate and organize truths. Love is not afraid or paralyzed by fear, nor is it afraid to explore fears and render the fat of its wisdom, in the sense of what our fears teach us about how to balance our lives. Love is dedicated to intelligent action and the evolution of personal and shared integral agency. Love removes hate's influence without censorship, but through critical engagement. Love is critical, it is not superstitious, it never reduces acceptance down to superficial considerations. Love does not escalate frivolity and indulge in wastefulness... it meditates on value and virtue, it always protects, always puts the other before one's own needs, but in ways that are balanced. Love is grounded in reality, and in respect, it always builds, always is always a forge and storge of potentially robust understanding. Love purifies and tests reality lovingly and with consistency in one's approach, love rests on healthful self preservation, and the elimination of exploitation and manipulation that is unfair and insincere. Love is pregnant and continually manifest with fairness, understanding, and justice, it is a giving birth to value and balance, through right intention, and right approach, and right methods, modifying where necessary expressions of imbalance and injustice in order to correct things.


Love is not selfish, love quickly and/or patiently corrects misunderstanding, it is not distracted by things immaterial to its growth and fruition, it is nor ideal, nor misapplied practicality, it is harmony incarnate, and is not necessarily primarily physical though that is an essential part of what contributed to our becoming material beings through sexual union. Love is a friend to charity and peace, a friend to consideration and compassion, a friend to empathy and balance in all forms, and love in that sense is a sort of thoroughness. True love is self forgiving, and never values narcissistic approaches over kindhearted means toward dutifully robust appeals to balanced obligation. Love does not privilege fantasy over necessity, self importance over urgent obligations, and deterioration and ruination over sensitivity. Love is sensible approaches toward the emergence and evolution of meaning invested in well tested shared values as they evolve according to our sense of a problem and way of approaching truly sustaining and valuable solutions. Love is not suspicious and divisive, and expressive of scrupulous knavery, Love is not a dysfunctional game of shaming, or ridiculing others. Love is the bond between comparison and improvement and the experiment it takes to affirm benefit and tweak plans for success. Love is not an echochamber of platitudes, but a sense within the world that preserves the enduring sense of beauty, propriety and decency within that world. Love is stronger than all dissociation and disconnection, love is the bridge between purpose and improvement


Love is the affirmation of accountability through a search for consistency and a form of inspiration that is as free of coercion as possible. Love treasures principle, before it treasures things like peer pressure and superficially constructed normative pressures. Love is open to new explorations that are fair, offer true benefits, manage impacts of loss in ways that seek change that is personally and socially evolutionary. Love is not bound to a lack of concern toward the product of one's projects, one's philosophy or one's attitudes. Love is a balance of one's own needs, wants and interests with the genuine interests, wants and needs of others. Love does not seek reward, it is humble, but it seeks to reward itself through aspiring to well selected aims. Love is a means within itself and not a means to an end. Love is thankful to the sacrifices of all of society and sees that everyone has a role to play in the evolution of civilization, some perhaps more than others, but everyone is an equal shareholder in our collective benefit. Love is the benevolence of our accumulated achievements designing problems that we can solve together. Love is co-operation, and shared purpose. Love never makes an example of others to preserve justice, love does not work on fear to control others, it works on compassionate correction to direct and propel a group toward the growing of virtue. Love is not groupthink and prejudice.


Love meditates on reason, purpose, and trains one's ability to select good options or create better options where there are impossible options, in that sense love innovates and gestates improvement as much as possible. Love is not revengeful...though it does not idly sit by and watch the death decay destruction and genocide of groups and individual potential. Love intervenes to direct the lost toward hope and refined shared creativity. Love is the source of culture creation. Love limits the amount of time we spend on wasteful projects, by redirecting us toward creative experiment. Love always takes in new information and is critical of the credibility of sources in ways that are speculative and not persecutory. Love establishes laws to protect people from the tyranny of pathological, sociopathic, sick and criminal individuals, and works diligently to correct and modify their behaviours rather than rewarding them and giving them advancement in a society. Love uses reward intelligently to shape the procedures that improve and evolve incentive, and help others to form meaningful bonds within our social hierarchies in ways that optimally integrate truly evolving tactics and strategies. Love does not impose drama on others in efforts to limit their potential. Love embraces the development in positive philosophies and shares things that can be of benefit to others.


Love inspires, love creates connection where there may be none, love forgives and love keeps no enduring record of wrongs in the process, though for a time it may, to ensure one is being critical of how to deal with another's potentially mislead approaches. Love reflects on all things, accepts pride over hubris, rewards integrity over carelessness, humanity over greed, meaningful and well directed sacrifice over waste and indulgence, expressing the worthwhile rather than the dogmatic, through researching the soul or the contents of one's mind, and by evoking truth and value simultaneously in the formation of a person's individual or collective policies. Love is respect for creativity, balanced by a need to be on the right track of creating fair incentives through fair methodologies direct our understanding through a well understood and well approach method. Love means strives for consistency and a path that does not conflate freedom with the liberty to oppress and hinder the progress of other individuals or groups. Love is the responsibility to maintain advantage through sharing that advantage...love is the philosophy that when we share there is more for everyone. Love is compassion toward even one's oppressors, but is not submission to supporting their way of life, or adopting their means or methods. Love is optimistic and positive and does not give up, love adapts to things while holding onto it's standards and is flexible when need be, stern when need be, and open to contingency when need be.


Love qualifies its authorities, love understands the phases of improvement necessary for growing virtue and is thus patient. Love seeks to heal affliction, love seeks to restore health in the sick, wisdom in the foolish, integrity in the corrupt, and conscience in the disaffected and indifferent. Love does the work of reminding people of the good in them rather than focusing on what is wrong and decimating people's self worth in ways that deteriorate motivation and morale. Love is not passive aggressive, it is not mean and conspiring either, it's not indulgent or unwilling to take reasonable risks towards exploring reasonable rationales. Love does not equivocate the virtueless with the virtuous, alarm with passivity, necessity with contingency from duty, or scrutinized and qualified standards of freedom with abuse and carelessness. Love does not doubt absolute certainties. Love creates and preserves diverse novelty through innovation, by way of objective assessment, exploration, and fun as well as hard work, love is in this sense not necessarily easy, it's duty fused with examination, assessment redirection and an ongoing need to requalify the intelligent salience of one's personal progress especially through one's powers to heal oneself and others through taking every reasonable opportunity to challenging ignorance. Love is never fanatical either and is never mislead by charismatic leaders who get us to bypass reasonable scrutiny through the charm of appealing to future advantages alone. Love is the source of all political striving in the sense of our policies shaping reality for others, and that there are policies to correct policies which most resonate with loving intention through the qualification of Justice and virtue. Love instructs without pretense love is not cynical or odious and malignantly critical of others. Love depends on nature over repute, potential over history, connection over disconnection and being right in what one does and in one's motivations rather than being on the side of the majority and powerful. Love is the foundation of humanity and humane progression. Love is the ability to listen to kindness over callousness, a passion for balanced virtue over indifference, pompousness piety and pride, Love is the purpose of human existence, love is why we are here. Love is the spiritual test of our mettle, it's the indicator of our highest aims. Love is all.

Copyright Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder Feb 6th 2017

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