Not everything made sense...
I had to understand which I still don't know how they got ph sounds like the letter f?
phone why not fone?
knee the k is silent why not nee?
ee is a long E...
That made sense to me...
The k is just there...
Who's idea was that?
Now, we can text and say TY instead of Thank you...
Why were some parents fighting routinely while others sat, talked, and respected each other?
Some had to have control while others called family, team...
If I got to be older because many Doctors and things said I'm going to be a dead kid...
Not in those words that was me about me...
A Doctor always showed bedside manner which I didn't know that was a should do so was it sincere?
It sounded like it but, not everything is always as it seems...
There's another one...
Spelled different 2 different meanings sounds the same...
seems and seams
seams are on clothing...
I had to memorize all the Presidents the dates they were President from George Washington all the way to the one we had when I was 10...
I had to know what they did as President, War, The Victory team...
That was not going to be on the test I just wanted to know who won...
In my 30's I really began thinking more about what would it be like if they didn't win and the losing side didn't lose?
Obviously, the matter was so important it had to be fought for, so then there's War...
One day it does end some take decades and some end quicker...
Maybe they tried a compromise but, the one side wanted more...
The Greed monster has arrived...
I know things can get better and I know they can get worse...
If it gets worse is that something I will have to learn to try to understand?
Maybe, I won't be a lucky one to know how low we can go...
That would be lucky right?

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i before e except after c lol
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication
Division Addition Subtraction …
all the funny things remembered
“ From The Start”
Great write
Hello RG...
I do believe you are correct...
Have to love Aunt Sally...
So many letter rules, silent letters, Xylophone...
That makes sense to me...
Of course, lots of mathematics...
Thank you for your fun and kind comment and support...
BTW "In my 30's" is trying to us how old you are ;)
Hello Yiyan...
How old am I?
Why do you ask?
Because, I know how to read, write, and I know math?
I'm old enough to have put my imagination to good use as a kid...
I'm old enough to remember my first 8 Track...
Thank you for your fun comment and support my friend!
If I sound like I'm in my 70's...
Rest assured I'm not that crazy yet...
I hope I still have more sense than even that generation...
There are some smart people still at that age and older but, there's a lot more who just doesn't have it anymore...
I believe in giving credit where credit is due...
If you don't deserve any kudos I'll give that to those who do...