If Jesus came at the start of the 21st Century

And Nazareth's Major Geek (aka 62BITS) helped the other geeks from surrounding Galilee draft the email as follows
TO: No1 Manufacturer in all the Cosmos, at the Genius HQ of the Galaxy's Advanced Engineers Hub
ATT: Annonymous CEO/Tech City Mayor
RE: Please release your latest tech asap
We want the best, most efficient products you've got*
Stream to us any software upgrades
Remove tŕojans, bugs or worms and repair any havoc they've caused
We will stop eating from the cookie jar and spamming and trolling, as per your Company policy
Increase our level of security and thunk with us if necessary, because we're still going to need twain with parts of our older operating systems
No other company is as advanced as yours
You've got the most economical yet most ethical, most efficient and well designed tech ever!
Your geeky fans
*this appeal has been requested by the world champion gamer #62BITS who comes under your sponsorship and has told us n00bs all about your latest bundles and would like us to play with him but our current systems are outdated and almost FUBAR

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