The Sapphire recognized in just about every religion around the globe...
The Sapphire magnificent and holy...
Kings in biblical times recognized and appreciated the gem of all gems...
September is the keeper of this precious stone...
The Sapphire the stone of wisdom, royalty, of prophesy, and Divine favor...
From velvety cornflower blue, and other blue hues, black, yellow, and red which is Ruby...
Sapphire the gem of all gems...
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Hi sparrowsong I love sapphires especially as it is myÂ
birthstone, My birthday is next Monday, My engagementÂ
ring was a blue sapphire surrounded with diamonds similarÂ
to princess Diana`s but of course not so grand :-)
Lovely to know these interesting facts you say in your write
I enjoyed Thank you for sharing
Hugs Debs Â
Hello Debs...
It's my birthstone too...
My birthday is the following Monday...
I am a Libra...
Though I was born early my due date of arrival would have also made me a Libra...
My high school ring had a Sapphire...
Your engagement ring sounds beautiful...
I can almost see you crying happy tears before you said...
Thank you for your comment...
Hello Sis Cherie...
Blue happens to be one of my favorite colors...
Sapphire is my birthstone...
Birthstones represent the birth of a person born in that month...
I love colors and each one has their own character...
There are a variety of shades within an individual color...
Ranging from light to dark...
Really dark colors almost appear black...
It's really neat to see how colors and personalities compliment each other...
Glad you found this piece interesting...
Thank you for your comment...
Hi Sparrowsong, Â Sapphire is a beautiful stone and is indeed the gem of all gems. Â Looking forward to you and Debs birthdays. Lovely write.
Lots of love....Rose
Hello Sweet Rose...
The Sapphire has always been the stone of my choice when I was little before I knew birth months, birthstones and flowers...
I remember when I first learned that it was my birthstone, Â I was so excited...
People thought I won something big...
For myself I guess I did...
Thank you for your comment...
Hugs and Smiles!Â
beautiful work SS!
Hello P.D....
Thank you very much!Â
Hope you are well!Â
Best wishes!Â