Off With Her Head! (Oh Alice)

Come with me to a place that is grand,
We will take a trip to wonderland,
Come down, down, the rabbit hole,
Back to a place you once did know.
Drink the vials and eat the cakes,
And think of all your past mistakes,
Ponder the world you just have found,
And run for your fucking life!!!
Off with her head!
Make her wish that she was dead,
Off with her head!
That blue dress is now stained red,
Off with her head!
Now her mind is filled with dread
Off with her head!
Hog tied and bound to my mother fucking bed.
There is never a need to say sorry,
Come, sit, We will have a tea party,
I murdered the cat and I killed the twins,
Here is one fight you will never win.
Take out the Bandersnatches eye,
Make the Jabbawokkie die,
Fall into the dreaming abyss,
And let the Queen fuck you up.
Off with her head!
That blonde bitch is filled with lead,
Off with her head!
I fucked her neck hole while it bled,
Off with her head!
The hatters tea is laced with meds,
Off with her head!
A wonderland turned to gore instead.

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