Poem -



In hours where time was a mist,
Where light retired, and new moons exist
Only to betray, royal temperaments
That shape things to come...

Through bloodlines and mixed lineage
I became the sequestered,
The new randomness,
It was there I was ordained
Powerfully educated
With the sword, the shield
Books, from other worlds
With mitigated DNA
And the true blue-blood
From other time periods...

I was tortured and set free
Into the minds of men,
Where I swam upstream
And procreated, as instructed
By a code, implanted
In what seemed, mere moments
To enjoy
A life, freely given
To learn of the womb,
And the light in a breath,
To walk the face of the earth
As a completely free man,
To write my own songs
And to boldly sing,
That I held my own court
I was a king...

Tony Taylor


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Jim "The Lad" ....

I think you retained some of that memory and DNA, or you have tapped in to some inspiration! either way, I enjoyed the journey! .......Jim

Jill Tait

I cant pm u cosmo says iv used my likit up lol but he has been reported for his over familiarity :(

Tony Taylor

LOL!!......Thanx JIM!!....I Love the sense of humor brother.....even though there is much truth in the memory retention of DNA!!......Big Smiles!......T xo  : )

Tony Taylor

Thank you tons JILL!!.......smiles.......Txo  : )


Hello Tony...

I read this a couple of times...

You say King as in past tense?

Why is that with your upcoming album and your future fame?

Sure King of Pop is taken but, surely King of something great I look forward to...


Great write!

Thank you for sharing...



Tony Taylor

LOL!! & LOL!!.....I appreciate the smiles FEATHERS!!......King Of Pop will NEVER be replaced.....but I am touched by your anticipation of my album.....It's Really a Demo album for Record Producers....which for me....is just as big a deal!!.....Because selling songs is what I do......Thanx so much for this dear lady!!.....hugs n kisses......T xo  : )

Yiyan Han

With mitigated DNA
And the true blue-blood
From other time periods...

Much like reincarnation as in Buddhism?

Tony Taylor

VERY much like reincarnation brother.....I am referencing the idea that (like reincarnation) human DNA has been altered by an intelligence other than human at some point in our past........Thank You YIYAN HAN!!......stay cool!!......Peace.......T xo  : )

The fish of the sea

Reminded me of when Viva la Vida by Cold play. But either way Love this interesting work. Always takes me ages to read over and break the meaning down. Does this one have to do with knowledge? Kind regards. TFOTS 



Tony Taylor

YES it does FISH!!...Thank you Tons for reading through a few times to try to discern my intent.....I appreciate it VERY much....not everyone does that......but YES!! it does have to do with knowledge.....the attainment and sharing of it.....passing it down through DNA.....from civilization to civilization over eons......helping other worlds learn from the inside out!!.....Big Smiles......and thanx again!!......your cyber-friend and admirer.....T xo  : )       Gonna see if that website recommendation is as far-fetched as it looks!! : )

Tony Taylor

Thank you Sir LORRIS!!......smiles......T xo  : )

Tony Taylor

Thank you CLEO!!......I try dear poet sister!!......so nice to hear from you!!.....your cyber-friend and admirer!!.......T xo  : )

Tony Taylor

Wow!! That is a Stunning comment my friend.......for so many reasons.....but I am sure you have yours...... I DO so thank you....and I am VERY happy to hear from you again Kind Sir!!....Thanx again......be well brother!!......smiles......T xo  : )


Hi Tony...I think your poem explains itself very well, I happen to agree. The cosmos is full.of mysteries that we cannot in human form ever comprehend  and the cell/division/ evolution/ monkey/ ape / exceptionally intelligent human/ kind of thinking doesn't cut it for me either. I believe there are several different types of human walking the earth right now and there always have been( but that part is a relatively recent fact) and that we didn't get to where we are now under our own steam. I don't think I have explained my point very well.here but I hope you get my jist, which still runs along the ancient alien beliefs ...thought provoking and ramble provoking 😆 write 💕

Tony Taylor

wow!! MARION!!....can't believe I totally missed this comment before.....I DO know what you're referring to here.....I get the "Gist" as you so humbly put it!!.....The Ancient Alien tack that you're taking is definitely within the wheelhouse of my personal thinking.....and certainly something we should discuss further......for most certainly, we do not want to discuss these ideas/new-found facts out in the open.....Oh No!!...we could be completely lambasted for such a conversation!! (Big Smiles)......look forward to it.....by the way did you ever look up the recently released "Secret Government Files" pertaining to downed alien aircraft over the years?......anyway, I'll  save that for another day!!......smiles......stay groovy girlfriend!!.......Peace.....T xo  : ) 

Pratibha Savani

Hi Tony. It's such a deep brilliant write. Has many levels of interpretation as the other comments show. A journey of life it seems here and conscious of it too with the verse around the DNA and womb.

Someone touched upon reincarnation. As a hindu in my culture yes it is something we believe in. The soul travels through different lifes..many lifes...some maybe animals simple species....to higher beings with intelligence like us humans. However it isnt something the soul wants to be trapped in forever. To break that cycle a higher divine needs to be reached. To break the cycle of birth, old age, disease and death repeating in the material world and be free from the bond. Its called moksh in hindu culture. If you can achieve that you would never be reborn again and be joyous in a spiritual plane with god. That is what is believed from a spiritual level in my culture. And our scriptures are old but captured in sanskrit.

I have written a prose on this topic when my grandma passed away few years ago. I posted it on here in May called Our Ultimate Destination. It may peak your interest. You'll find it easily as I dont have that many posts!

I love the king line at the end btw. Smashing write. Sssoo pinned! Px💜

Tony Taylor

What an excellently insightful..... and wonderfully revealing comment!!'....as in much of my poetry there are many references to reincarnation, the evolution of the mind, the alteration of DNA by other species into the human Genome, and ancient alien revelations...I find your cultural influences of Hinduism etc.......to be MUCH more than fascinating....leading us back into the ancient histories....in fact I REALLY believe it to be the forerunner to Christianity in more ways than simple chronology......For instance, The "Vedas" (or Vedic texts) are what initially lead me into the development of my belief system about our current reality......which, of course,  was then updated into the Upanishads......and then lead me into the "Bhagavad Gita" and/or the "Mahabharata".......But for me personally, it is much more than simply breaking away from the cyclical repetition of reincarnation's offerings...but the potential for the exploration of the idea that one could potentially choose almost "ANY" creatively broad option upon greeting one's own death......like the "WAY BROAD" theories on the potential of 'sensory deprivation chambers' or mind altering substances that send the mind into ritualistic arenas with Ayahuasca and/or Psilocybin.....Anyway, you've obviously sent me far into some of my favorite subject matter here....I would absolutely LOVE the opportunity to speak with you more 'in depth' about these quickly advancing and evolving arenas......even medicine can't keep up with what is happening in these branches of thought and reasoning.....I am SO excited to hear/know that you yourself spend time challenging yourself with such 'inspiring' and 'ultimately challenging' subject matter....my apologies for rambling on here, (and for being slow to reply to your comment) dear poet sister......you just happened to wander into one of my very favorite rooms in the entire hotel!! (smiles)......I hope you are having some of the best of days of your life at this, very, moment, in time!!......I am your cyber-friend and admirer!!    Tony  : )

Pratibha Savani

Hi Tony. I was quite amazed reading your very in depth insightful comment. Wow! Had no idea you had actually looked into my culture scriptures with the Bhagavat gita and mahabharat. An epic story that lost so many lives in the massive battle at the end.

Hindu is a very old religion, older than christianity and so we have many scriptures but the gita and what krishna spoke or sang...its his words that are even relevant today. The teachings are universal and apply to anyone, any background. It's not about religion.
Actually krishna says - "abandon all forms of religion and surrender unto me." 
It's my favourite quote. It's why I remember is so well. I havent read the gita for a long while. Actually I do need to read more spiritual stuff. I have found I am very philosophical in my writing and spiritually has had a big influence.

I wasnt aware of the other things you mentioned ayahuasca. Had to look it up. But yes ultimately there is a higher power at work. Our soul, as in you is not reaching it full potential in a materialistic shell/body. Its governed by desires and material things like money, greed, lust etc and so people are lost cos they think they have everything but inside they dont. They havent nourished themselves, their energy, the light, the soul they are and so in our society we see alot of problems with people. 

It's only when we get to the point and start searching for answers and looking for what is the point of life etc and achieving some inner peace people are enlightened and start taking care of what matters. Even if they dont realise they are feeding their soul, soul always being you, what it is they have been lacking.

I'm no expert and still need to read more but yes the mind, that energy inside can do amazing things if the platforms are available. Especially in a different state of mind.

Its fascinating to explore.
I commend you for looking beyond this world and understanding there is more! 😁

chat soon

Pratibha Savani

Aaww thank you Max. Thanks for reading my thread on this post!! Px

Tony Taylor

Thank you LINDA!!......I appreciate your taking the time to read and leave me a comment!!....you're the grooviest!!.......smiles....... T xo  : )

John Loopstra

Yes, reading this, I am sure you retain some 'DNA' of a previous life. I have several experiences myself which can only be explained by such 'DNA' (at least it is most fun to do so 🤣 - a monk, alas also either a soldier in the trenches of Flandres or a pilot shot down above those trenches). Good write!

Tony Taylor

Wow JOHN!!...I had no idea you had gone back to find this one.....I must say ~ you certainly found the ones particular to my 'personal favorite' type of subject matter with which to express myself.....that is to say ~ I write better when writing about that which most inspires my waking AND my dream states!!......I am so glad we have found one another.....i think perhaps, I shall have to write you some PM's to explore our 'common ground' dear poet brother!!......Thanx so much for this!!......stay safe my friend!!......Peace.......T xo  : )

John Loopstra

Yes, it would be fun and interesting to exchange PM's to find our common ground. I will keep an eye out for them

Tony Taylor

Thank you WENDY!!
For the stars and for the Vote dear lady......Always a pleasure!!......Hugs n Smiles......your cyber friend and admirer!!.......T xo  : )

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