At some point
We all are near inferiority
And we all bow our heads
Cry to ourselves
"I'm not good enough"
The lonesome stare
Staring back at you in the mirror
In the mirror of your soul
In the mirror of your introspection
They don't know that you're a movie star
They don't know that you compare
The society around you
As a refection of yourself
Making you feel the inferiority
Of being a good liar
A lonely actor
Aware of the lies you tell
To find Love
And the affection
That everyone yearns for
Because if you're not a somebody
You've committed
A sin...
Tony Taylor (Chicago)

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This one blew my mind and hit me on every relatable angle I came in on. How awesome I recall so many times lonely staring into a mirror at my soul wondering do others see so clearly. Man T thid is such a profound write, my hats off to you especially in the delivery of the end. Thanks for being a somebody. Happy Thanksgiving and my Love and Respect.
Thanx Sir Devon!!..........amazing comment my friend..............always a pleasure to here from you...........Ttyl bro..............T xo
Hard not to agree with Devon, great write bro
Happy thanksgiving ❤ you too Devon
Love to you both, nardine xox
Nardine I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving but I don't know if you celebrate the holiday hope im not offending you but Happy Thanksgiving anyway to you and your family.
Hey bro. A excellent write here . Seeing myself In the mirror and my flaws and if I am good enough through some insecurities I have. We all have this moment of introspection. Cheers hrl
Hardrocklover!!.........thanx for recognizing the insecurities bro!!............and for relating this to yourself..........smiles ..........T xo
Wow Tony, this was extremely reflective, I'll be back to read this again once or twice or even three times. This poem makes you think which I love and the last few lines just about top off my level of curiosity. It's true, no matter how "large" we are in various aspects of our lives, one must at least once consider, am I really somebody? I love it 5* have an excellent thanksgiving, you have my blessings brother. CO
Curious!!.........sorry it's taken so long to get back to you.........that's a PHAT compliment............coming back again.......HUGE compliment!!............love you for this............T xoxo
Thank you for sharing Tony...love it but sad! oxox
Thanx Lyn!!......Mucho appreciato!! (smiles)..............T xo
Excellent write dear brother Poet Tony, thanks for sharing, my applause, my vote
Love & hugs
Thanx Mr. M!! ~ surprised and Happy to see you on my page brother!!............thanx for this!!...........T xo
This was very deep
Thanx Taiisa!!..........appreciate that!!............smiles...........T xo
Looking inside of myself I see many faults but then I think of all the good things in my life and I thank God for every one of them. You are one of those wonderful people who I treasure every day. I loved this piece, just as I love you Beasty Boy.
G xx
I'm with you Georgie!!...........appreciating the good things in your life is Godly!!..........I thank God for you G!!...........smiles.............T xoxo