It’s not what you crave, it’s what you need
Transforming the norm,
means often weathering the storm
of everyday existence,
and everyday stressful living,
it’s about lifting yourself up higher
each and everyday,
it’s about understanding,
we can not always have what we crave,
but being happy to receive what we need.
For in this transformational life
helping others and being kind,
are far more important qualities
than just being blind
to others sufferings,
so share a little love,
share a little peace,
it’s within both you and me,
so share some compassion,
for this is the greatest gift we have
to offer along side kindness
and willingness to share
without having to be told to do so.
Transform the norm
and you can weather any storm
transform the norm
and you will be better than you
could ever imagined
than you could ever have believed
because then you will understand
how the future always has to be.
The transforming of life in everything.
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