Jesus Christ words deny trinity
John 17: 3

When you read the Bible,
you will discover clear verses
and here is an example,
emphasizes the oneness
In John 17, 3 undoubtedly he said :
the only true God is the father,
and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent,
so listen to him my sister and brother
He declared the truth of divinity
and he never ever told a lie
you should believe him not the trinity
and if you are not so tell me why?

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So I am confused. Are you saying Jesus is not God? If you are saying that then you are not reading the bible correctly. The core beliefs by Christians is the trinity. The Mormons do not believe in the Trinity, nor do Jehovah Witnesses or Muslims. I respect these religions but they are not part of the Christian faith.
Personally I believe in God and believe organized religions all have it wrong.
Good poem just confused by it.
Dear Greg,
Thanks a lot and I respect you back and I would like to respond and support it with evidences from your Bible and Jesus Christ peace be upon him words not me , Muslims or the other religions.....
So firstly I would like to assure that as Muslim this discussion will based on respect, and appreciation and no attention to hurt feelings or insulting anyone, just asking God to guide us the truth, me and you and everyone looking for the truth.
Secondly we believe in Jesus Christ peace be upon him, we love him, we respect him, and believe in all his miracles that he did by the permission of God and we believe in his second coming, he has been mentioned in many verses in the holy Qur'an and there are long chapter called Marry talks about his miraculously birth.
You said I didn't read the Bible correctly...that's fine , let's discuss this verse from the Bible, John 17:3 , according to Jesus Christ peace be upon him the only true God is the father, how can you explain this according to the concept of the trinity which I know what is it and also according to the Christians believes that Jesus Christ peace be upon him when he was on earth he was a fully God and fully man, 100 percent God and 100 percent man ( which is logically contradiction because you can't be mortal and immortal in the same time and God is immortal according to your Bible, Timothy 6:16 which confirms that God is immortal, can't die, doesn't submit to death, which happened as you believe to Jesus Christ peace be upon Does God die????
Where Jesus Christ peace be upon him says I'm a God, can you show me any verse in your Bible he said this????
I'm not asking for direct verse confirmed the trinity but close to the meaning which support that they are 3 in 1, they are que equal....
The closest one which the Christians used to read it it's John 1:1 which confirms that there was a beginning for the word, so if the word have beginning them it is not eternal and there is no beginning for God....
So is there an evidence from the Bible that support the trinity? I need a verse from the Bible that Jesus Christ peace be upon him support the trinity...
As much as you read about the history of the church you will discover that the trinity doctrine was established after centuries from the time of Jesus Christ peace be upon him, as I remember in 4th century, by the Nicaea council, exactly ik n 325
The question is , if the trinity was the most important doctrine in the Christianity why Jesus Christ peace be upon him has never ever preached in it , not only him, non of the prophets in both the old testament or the new testament preached in either.
All of them including Jesus Christ peace be upon on him preached to worship one God, also all of them worshiped one God including Jesus Christ peace be upon on him, remember how he prayed in the garden of Gethsemane, he prayed to the father and bowed and put his face on the ground, exactly the same way we as Muslims pray daily...does god pray to God, no, if he was a fully God and fully man in the same time on earth why he didn't save him self from the crucifixion, did he pray to him self , this is not logical think deeply about all this....btw we Muslims doesn't believe that he was killed or died no, but God saved him and raised him to the heaven and he still alive and will come back again , God will not allowed this happened to his messengers at all.
When they asked Jesus Christ peace be upon him, how to pray what he said , the Lords prayer : our Father in heaven......why he didn't said our Father and the son and the holy spirit in heaven...? Again think about this, Jesus Christ peace be upon him will not lie or manipulate when he talk, he is honest, trustworthy.
The word ONLY it is exclusively word, so clear , when you use you exclusive anyone other the person or the thing you mentioned...
And here more to think about it....Firstly let's discuss the verse John 10:30 in it is context....this verse (in case hypothetically we assume can talks about trinity doesn't mentioned 3 entities, only 2 so what about the holy spirit??
Now, if you exam the verses after it you will understand that Jesus Christ peace be upon him didn't mean that he is equal to the father in the authority, but in the purpose, you can check this via your Christians scholars later....
Also in the same chapter Jesus replied : John 10 : 34 is it not written in your law I have said you are god's? John 30: 35 if called them god's to whom the word of God came - and the scripture can't be broken John 30 : 36 then what about the one whom the father sanctified and sent into the world? How then can you accuse me of blasphemy for stating that I'm to h em son of God?
So the Son of God is not used only for Jesus ? Adem was mentioned in the Bible as son of God, many called sons of God...
The son of God in that time means righteous one not Divine title and the jews understand this in them language.
Secondly , if you read John 17 20 - 23 you will discover that not only Jesus Christ peace be upon him one with the father but also the disciples, so does that mean they are god's or equal to the father ????
This is my reply now, I hope that you will think and read your Bible also.
PS : I will use the same reply to sparrowsong.
God bless you,
Hello Ebrahim...
The Holy Spirit is 1/3 of the Trinity...
The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit...
The Holy Spirit is one of the greatest gifts we each receive when we are saved...
I agree with Greg, to a degree...
You might have confused him, however confusion is from the devil...
Truth and knowledge is given by God...
I am not confused...
The Holy Spirit gave me my Testimony many years ago...
May I always remember and never forget...
We are warned not to to take the text out of context nor are we to preach untruths...
Dear sparrowsong,
Thanks also for your reply, and please read the comment that I wrote it to Greg above.
God bless you,