Jonny Mundane

This is actually a song written by my late son. RIP Sam x
Jonny Mundane
And now let me tell you a story about Jonny Mundane, he broke his arm but felt no pain.
He was smacked up, was without a care
People gathered round him and began to stare, playing a soulful six string with his turned up fedora on the floor
The crowd embraced Johnny and cheered for more. Some saw that his arm was broken, others smiled and tossed him a token
The best busker that's ever been, just a pan handle of no right in my eyes to be seen.
Shone so bright the law looked the other way.
Can't everyone get along just for today?
The blues cried out from them old dirty strings, while Johnny was flying high chasing a lizard with wings
Who to appease and who to offend, a relationship with Miss China White,
He can't see a dignified end
His appearance resembled a young Buddy Holly, bad life choices and success to folly
An implicit bongo beat roared in the distance
The two became one just for an instance.................................
Justifiably couldn't comprehed the concept of good luck. Rearly had two pennies to rub together but could never give a single fuck.
Dried blood stained his rusty belt buckle, he looked down on men and let out a chuckle
Some named him the lonely worker, when he possessed the ways of a homely lurker
Unemployed and eyeing the dole, he often daydreamed of becoming an eidolon
His cold cold grey skin matched the sky, a young boy saw him and began to cry
Quiet child this man's making magic! Seems to others that he's just lethargic
His fatal illnesses began to show, anticipating up above stalked a vulture like crow
Those worn down lungs muttered his final breath.
A turbulent life produced a calm death
He slipped into unconsciousness and strolled toward a light, letting go without much of a fight
It was to be his final and greatest symphony, as that was the end of ol' Jonny
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I'm privileged to be one of the few who has heard this song with the music in its entirety and even more privileged to have known Sam.
RIP Sam x
Hi Johnny, lovely write, loved this lines
"He slipped into unconsciousness and strolled toward a light, letting go without much of a fight
It was to be his final and greatest symphony, as that was the end of ol'"
Warm regards
Thank you for the kind name is dave by the way. Jonny is from the song jonny mundane.
This is friggin' fantastic DAVE!!.. .now let me get this straight...... this is a song written by your son SAM!!......I am a songwriter..... It's what I do for a living...... and I can tell you without hesitation.....this is a masterfully delivered lyric line...... there were two words I didn't wholly understand but could hypothesize within the content...they are ~ EIDOLON & BUSKER...,.,but regardless.... the streetwise ambiance created here is incredible..... How I would love to hear the music that accompanies this most stellar lyric line!!......DAVE!! ~ dear poet Brother!!.....I don't know you, and obviously did not know your son..... but if you will allow me..... I'd like to offer my condolences...... if he was anything like the potential inherent in this piece.....I can feel your loss brother!!...... The white horse has taken down some the greatest artists of all time!!..... This is a most noble and honorable tribute offering you've shared with us all here on Cosmo.....I thank you ........PINNED this piece for its brilliance & so that I may direct some of my friends here to experience what I did when I read these words for the first time....."A turbulent life produced a calm death.."......smokin' grooves man!!......smokn' grooves!!......LOVE and ROCKETS!!...,,T xo ?☀✴✳♥♥♥
Hi Tony, here's couple of definitions for Jonny Mundane
Busker - Street performance or busking is the act of performing in public places for gratuities. In many countries the rewards are generally in the form of money but other gratuities such as food, drink or gifts may be given.
Eidolon - an idealized person or thing.
I like your comment - Wayne
Thank you tony for your kind thoughts and comments. I am so proud of what our Sam did in his short time with us. My pride grows more and more hearing lovely comments like yours. There's a recording of jonny mundane on my girlfriends Facebook page Janette hall. God bless you sir xx
Hi tony our SAMs friend is here and he says if you send me your email address he will send you our SAMs recordings. God bless xx
What a poet.
Thank you Evan it means a lot. God bless
Hi Dave65 Firstly I would like to send you my heartfelt condolences
for the loss of your son Sam
Secondly Wow! What a writer The
lyrics for this song are just brilliant, The story of Jonny Mundane
is so wonderfully written I could imagine him vividly
I would love to hear the music that goes with this
A great piece, and a loving tribute
Thank you for sharing Sams work
It is a pleasure to read!
Best Wishes Debs
Thank you so much for your kind comments debs. My heart bursts with pride reading lovely comments about my beautiful boy. God bless
Hi debs our SAMs friend is here and if you send me your email address he will be able to send you a few of our SAMs recordings including jonny mundane. God bless flower xx
Hi Dave Awww lovely I would love to hear your Sams songs I will pm you my
Email Address now
Debs x
These 3 uploads that I have read on here are the best I have seen. I honestly cannot put into words how good I think these are and the god given talent that the lad must of had. I am blown away and I would be proud to be able to write anything close to the content and ability shown in these. Wowed
Thanks frankie mate Wayne has just telt me that jick magger is you the one and only love ya mate xx
This is an absolute masterpiece. Your son was very talented. You must be very proud. Xxxxxxxx
Thanks Lucy I am bursting with pride hearing lovely comments like yours god bless ya xx