Just Another Suicide Poem

Teetering and tottering
between life and death.
Do I wish to keep going?
or do I want it to end?
It's all in my decision.
It's time for me to choose
whether I hop off right now
or keep treading on through.
My legs keep on pushing.
I can no longer get high.
Now that you have left me,
the fun has quickly died.
Wondering where you went,
I think of how it was before.
The second I hit the bottom,
I finally noticed the storm.
So, I continue to keep my place
right here on this breaking seat.
Gripping the handle bars tightly,
I secretly keep wishing to leave.
I'm buckling under pressure.
I see no point in this game.
Teetering and tottering,
I'm slowly going insane.
So I shall lower myself down
and slide off this worn out seat.
I'll collapse down on the grass
and forever relax my tired feet.
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One of the key concepts to understand about this poem is that it's in the mind of someone who is depressed. When one is in this state of mind, they feel like they're missing something- that being them-self. They begin to gradually lose interest in the things that they have once enjoyed. While this aspect of their life has changed so has everything else. They are not the same person they used to be- depression has striped every positive in their life only to replace it with a negative. For example, friendships are lost to isolation, not only that, but goals are also diminished leaving the person feeling that they are literally left with nothing. Keeping this in mind, the teeter totter is a mere symbolization of life itself. The average person goes through various ups and downs. When they realize they have hit the ground, they still manage the will-power to keep going because they know life is a balancing act- for they will again find themselves reaching the top once again. Symbolically, the character portrayed in this poem is on the teeter totter with their 'self'. One day, their 'self' vanishes with the mentioned storm (symbolizing depression) and they then come to realize that their balance on life is now skewed. The character then comes to the conclusion that in order to set things right again they must step of the teeter totter of life. In order to get my point fully across, I felt the need to go into the details and explain myself a little bit more. I feel it necessary that all of my readers fully understand the poem and the words behind it. I appreciate your time in reading this, my lovelies. Thank you! I hope every single one of you enjoys the rest of their day!Â

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Great write, loudly spoken declaration of analysis, (depression), so many forms of illness Ly silent within depression, not all have signs or signals , creating no significant warning, but there is major differences between being momentarily depressed in moods,or on a low as they say being manic , and having full blown depression ,,
appreciate your write, your personal view,
love to you Stephanie macivor, nardine xoxo